And Then There Were Six

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Waiting on the bench in the movie theater for Kael to return from his talk with Callie, Sachi watched the moviegoers bustling about to keep from dwelling on her hurt feelings. Some bought refreshments from the concession stand, some went to the restroom, while others stood around in the lobby talking.

Sighing, she glanced down at the carpeted floor wishing she was anywhere but here. Suddenly, she felt the all too familiar sensation that comes over her whenever she experiences someone else's emotions. The moviegoers moved in slow motion--their voices slowed in pitch. Everything faded until...,

Clomp! Clomp! I walk along the pavement. Shivering, I adjust the collar of my coat against the chilly air. I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me. I turn and look behind me. No one is there except for a lone car parked down the street. I hasten my steps. My apartment, on W Saint Clair Avenue, is just around the corner. I pull out my keys.

Loud music is playing from inside the car.

Tick tock.

Panicked, I run. The car door opens. A man wearing a black ski mask, a black coat, and black gloves steps out of it and approaches me. A coiled rope is hanging out of his coat pocket. Oh, my God!

I run faster. He is catching up with me. I rush to the door. My hands are shaking. I can't get the key in the lock. He is almost near! Please, God help me!

"Sachi! Can you hear me?"

Screaming, I finally get the key in the lock and rush inside. I run past the elevator into the stairwell. Skipping every other step, I make it to the fifth floor. I hear clamoring footsteps behind me. No!


Pushing the stairwell door open, I run down the hallway towards my apartment pleading for help. "Someone please help me. There's a man following me. Call the police!"

The stairwell door opened with a clang. I fidget with the keys. After multiple attempts, I jam it into the lock and turn the knob. I'm yanked back by the hair. "Help me-,

"Sachi!" Kael said.

She gasped for air. Struggling to breathe, she gripped his shoulder, her heart pounding in her chest and sweat dripping down her face. "Is she alright?" An onlooker said.

A growing crowd of murmuring spectators gathered around them.

"I think she's having an anxiety attack," Kael said. "Can you bring a bottle of water over?" "Here," a theater employee said running over with a bottle in their hand. "Here, Sachi," Kael said twisting off the cap. "Drink this."

Sachi took a gulp and coughed. "Easy," he said in a soothing voice. She took another sip. Her breathing calmed. "Thank God you're alright," Kael said. "You scared me."

"I-I just want to go home," she said. "Okay," Kael said. He helped her stand up. "Let me take those," he said taking the bag from her hand.

They left the mall. Sachi wordlessly handed her car keys to Kael.

Nodding, Kael opened the door while Sachi took a seat on the passenger side. Still worried, Kael sat down in the driver's seat and started the car. He glanced over at her. Her face was pale. She didn't look well.

He wondered if he should take her to a hospital instead of home. The last panic attack she had landed her in the hospital. What is she stressing over that's taking a physical toll on her? When he tried to ask her before, she changed the subject.

They arrive at her Lakewood home. Shutting off the engine, he rushed out the door over to the passenger door. He held out his hand to help her step out. She seemed weaker than before. "Sachi-," Kael started when the front door swung open. Nozomi ran out.

"What happened?"

"She had a panic attack," Kael replied.

She wrapped her arm around Sachi's shoulder protectively. "Let's get you inside."

After helping Sachi inside, Kael closed the door while Nozomi walked Sachi into her bedroom. After a few minutes, she returned holding Sachi's shoes in her hand. She set them on the floor mat next to the door. "Thank you for bringing Sachi home," she said the worry clear on her face. "It's no problem," he said.

She stared at him curiously. "How are you going to get home? Sachi is in no position to drive right now."

"Mrs. Starlet," Kael said. "If you don't mind, I'd like to spend the night. I-I can sleep on the couch," he offered. "I just need to know that she is alright."

She nodded. "It's fine. I know how much you care about my daughter." He blushed. "I do. Very much."

"Take off your shoes. I'll make us some tea," she said heading into the kitchen.

Realizing that he was still holding Sachi's bag of merchandise, he set it on the table, then removed his shoes.

He placed his shoes beside Sachi's on the floor mat. He worried for his best friend.

He took out his phone from his back pocket and placed a call. "Mom, Dad, I'll be spending the night over at Sachi's. She suffered a panic attack at the mall. I want to make sure she's alright. I'll see you in the morning. Love you too. Bye."

Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair and plopped down on the sofa.

In her bedroom, Sachi sat up in her bed, threw back the comforter, and retrieved her phone from inside her purse. She dialed Wolf's number. It went to his voicemail.

"McCoy, I saw a glimpse of the Time Clock Killer from the eyes of his latest victim." She paused overcome with sorrow. Tears flowed down her cheeks, her lips trembled. "We're too late to save her."

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