Love Hurts like Hell

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Sachi and McCoy arrived at her cottage style home just as her mother, fumbling with plastic bags in her hand, tried to unlock the front door.

Shutting off the engine, Wolf opened the door and rushed over to her. "Here, let me help," he said relieving her of the heavy load. "Thank you McCoy-San," she said bowing. "No problem," he said.

They entered inside, took off their shoes, and took the bags into the kitchen.

Sachi smiled, watching their interaction. Wolf has always been kind to her mother. From what her parents told her, McCoy met Nozomi-who he always refers to as Inoue--through Lars, his college buddy, and Sachi's father.

Lars and Nozomi were dating and Wolf could sense that this relationship was different than the previous short-term ones that Lars had. He wasn't surprised when they became engaged after graduating and married soon after.

He served as the best man at the wedding. When Nozomi discovered that she was pregnant, Lars requested for Wolf to be a godfather to their unborn child. He agreed. Their friendship has lasted this long because Wolf is no threat to their marriage.

"Sachi, are you alright?" Her mother said. Sachi looked over at Wolf staring at her with worry. He had put a lot on her shoulders with his requesting her assistance on the serial killer case. "I'm fine," she said.

"You don't sound very convincing," Nozomi said. "What is it? You know you can tell me what is bothering you."

"Callie was picking on me again," Sachi said. "Why am I only now hearing about this?" Wolf said arching an eyebrow. "Because I didn't want to make a big deal out of it," Sachi said. "What did Callie do?" Nozomi said.

Sachi recalled Callie's words to her.

"With your Asian looks, all that's missing are those huge saucer eyes."

Glancing down at the asymmetric carpet tiles, Sachi blinked back the tears. "She makes fun of me for being Asian by calling me, anime girl."

Nozomi lowered her head sorrowfully.

"That's racist," Wolf said. He had the same frown on his face as Kael had earlier. "That's ignorant. To make fun of another person's ethnicity."

"Kael told her as much," Sachi said.

"Good for him," Wolf said while Nozomi nodded her approval.

"She only picks on me because she likes Kael and wants me out of the way," Sachi said.

"Let me tell you something. From what I've seen of Kael, he would never go for someone ignorant like this Callie person," Wolf said. "If you ask me, I'd say that you're more his type Se... uh... Sachi."

At his slip up, Nozomi stared at him peculiarly.

"You do?" Sachi said bashfully.

Wolf nodded. "Yes, I do."

Feeling emboldened, Sachi rushed over to her book bag sitting on the floor beside the sofa. "I have to do something," she said. She unzipped a compartment and pulled out her phone.

Wolf and Nozomi gave each other a knowing glance.

Dialing a number, Sachi listened as it rang.

"Hello," a voice said on the other line.

"Kael, your offer to go to the mall tonight. Does it still stand?"

"It's a school night-," Wolf said as Nozomi shushed him.

"Cool, I'll be over there in about fifteen minutes," Sachi said ending the call.

"Mom, I know it's a school night, but I need to get out for a while," Sachi pleaded.

Seer: Finding a KillerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin