5 - She likes them

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Kaycee Rice's POV

We all headed to an In-N-Out burger

I rode with Sean in an Uber it was a short ride since it wasn't far from the studio and we met up with Tati, Tahani, Julian, and Josh

I don't usually eat fast food but even I'll eat some fries with a drink when I'm out with friends

Which is exactly what I ordered

Everyone got what they wanted and we went to find seats

It wasn't crowded as we arrived at an awkward time

After lunch but before dinner

However, there were no seats that could fit six people

"...Josh and I can sit over there" Tahani said pointing to a smaller table for two people as they started to walk off

"Okay we'll see you after"

Tati and I sat across from each other in our booth as Julian sat next to me and Sean next to Tati

We mostly just ate as we learned more about each other

Just simple things like ages, siblings, etc...

As despite me recently meeting Sean and Julian I didn't really learn the basics about them same with Tati in regards to Julian

"We all should go to like Disneyland or something sometime" Julian suggested

"That sounds like so much fun!" Tati said as she loves Disneyland

"I wouldn't mind, I haven't been in a while" Sean added

"Okay when?" I said

"I was thinking in a few days on Tuesday," Julian said "It's before my class on Wednesday, and Tuesday is just an awkward enough day where we wouldn't have to worry about a lot of people there that way we can get on multiple rides"

"Sounds like a plan!" Tati said

"So, who's driving?" Sean asked as it took a while to realize none of us drive

"Wanna just Uber?"

"Yeah or maybe our parents can drop us off," Tati said

"Yeah, I'll ride with Tati and Tahani and the boys can ride together," I said as the boys shared a look but agreed

"Okay, let's get there around 11" Sean suggested "Before the lunch rush"

"Alright I'll tell Josh and Tahani," Tati said getting up to talk to Josh and Tahani at their separate table

"Oh, Kaycee we should exchange numbers, it will make contacting each other easier" Julian said

"Don't you already have my number?" I said as I thought I already exchanged my info with him and Josh

"I don't see a Kaycee in my contacts so I guess not," Julian said as he passed me his phone on the create a new contact screen

"I already have Tati's and got Kaycee's after class so I guess I should just get Tahani's" Sean was saying as I just stared at Julian's screen as pop up popped up

'Do you wanna merge contacts with beautiful 😉'

"Real smooth Jules," I said as I merged the contacts and passed the phone back to Julian

"Hey I was honest," Julian said as I felt my cheeks get warm again

"Tahani and Josh said they can't make it so it'll be just us four," Tati said returning from the other table

"Alright, well we should get going, can't stay out too late," I said as I checked the time "Bye guys 😘"

We grabbed Tahani and got in an Uber and started driving to my place

"So, how did it go with Josh?!" Tati asked Tahani who was blushing

"It went well" Tahani answered not giving us any more details which is a good sign when it comes to Tahani "How'd it go with Julian?"

"Good!" we both answered

"Whoa she was talking to me," Tati said

"Oh, sorry I guess I wasn't paying attention," I said but it didn't take long for them to read me like a book

"You like Julian," Tati said

"A little" I admitted as he was very cute

"Wow you got over that crush with Sean fast," Tahani said


"No! You can't have a crush on two boys!" Tati said

"Sorry! Julian's really cute and funny but Sean's so sweet and interesting!"

"Oh boy" Tahani commented

We made it to my house and made our way to my room to continue this conversation


"I love you both but Kaycee you have to pick one, you know, that, right?" Tahani said

"I know..." Kaycee said

"And Tati, if Kaycee does pick Julian, you have to accept that" Tahani added

"No," Tati said

"No?" Kaycee said

"No, it's simply not right, Kaycee never even cared about Julian that way until recently and now she likes him when she already knew I liked him for a while now," Tati said, "That has to be breaking some kind of rule!"

"Hey I'm sorry that I seem to have the luxury of picking," Kaycee said as it's clear to Kaycee and all the girls that both Sean and Julian were interested in Kaycee

"No, you're not," Tati said dismissing the apology

"...No, I'm not" Kaycee admitted "Look I acknowledge that in a perfect world I would only like Sean and we all would have a guy from the Migos to have, but were not, so you have to just accept that"

"Screw you," Tati said getting up and leaving the room

"Tati!" Tahani called after her

"Nope! Rice here gets to have whatever she wants, that's just how life goes right?" Tati said leaving the house

"That's not true, is it?" Kaycee asked
"Out of the three of us, you are like the golden child" Tahani admitted

"I didn't ask to be like this" Kaycee said

"We know but doesn't change the fact you are who you are, Tati is who she is etc..." Tahani said "Imagine if it was the other way around, you like Sean but Tati likes both and so far, both like Tati"

"Yeah I know the predicament," Kaycee said "I'll make a decision"


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