2- He sees her

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Josh Price's POV

My mom and I were going to her old friends' place

They apparently came the other day but I never heard or noticed them

"I know I don't have to tell you this but be nice Joshua," my mom said to me as we got closer to the destination

"I will, no worries"

"She has two children one older than you and one around your age so please get along, it's been a while since I've seen Debra and it would be nice if our kids could get along," she said

"Ok I'll be on my best behavior"

We arrived at the house and ringed the doorbell which was quickly answered by who I assumed was Debra Anderson

"Hey! Come in come in" she said as we walked inside

"I love the house," my mom said as we were taken on a tour of the house

"Ok Joshua my son is downstairs watching TV with his father do you mind joining them?" Debra asked

"Sure Debra"

"Josh! It's Mrs. Anderson" my mom said

"It's ok Debra is fine," Debra said

I made my way to the area where there was already two guys sitting

"Ah Ruth's boy, come and sit down" the man I could only assume was Debra's husband

"I'm Gerard Anderson call me Mr. Anderson and this is my son Kaleyl" Mr. Anderson said

"Nice to meet you Kaleyl and Mr. Anderson," I said its going to get confusing being proper with Mr. Anderson but not with everyone else

"Hey, you like football?" Kaleyl asked me

"Yeah I watch from time to time"

"Team?" Kaleyl asked me


"Raiders and guess who's playing?" Kaleyl said as it was Steelers vs Raiders on the TV

"It's going to get loud"

About 30 minutes later as we were watching the game I see out the corner of my eye someone walk into the kitchen

"Tahani get us some drinks!" Mr. Anderson said, "Oh and something kid friendly for our guest!"

She did as she was told but she was wearing headphones and not aware of what was going on as I don't think she noticed me

She was twirling around the kitchen jamming to her music

By the way, she moved from the way her feet moved to the balance she had

I could tell she was a trained dancer

A spectacular one at that

"Here you go boys," she said giving alcohol to her father and brother and giving me a water bottle

"Thanks" I thanked her but the moment she saw my face she quickly looked away from me whipping her hair so I couldn't see her face and taking off

Her father ended up laughing at me while her brother just gave me a sly look

"Did I do something?"

"Oh, no nothing at all" Kaleyl said as I just sat confused "That's just my sister Tahani being a weirdo"


Sean POV

I wasn't planning on taking Willdabeast's class but my mom wasn't here yet as she had to take care of my sister's so after about 20 minutes I returned inside and paid for the class and began to play catch up as I was behind on the choreo

It didn't take long for groups to come and start performing for the camera

Not that I didn't want to watch but I need to practice a few more times before I get eventually called on

"Bro take a break and watch this" Willdabeast said wrapping an arm around me and pointing me towards the girl who was about to start her solo

She was...


"Good, right?" Willdabeast said "If you, Julian, Josh, Will, Josh, and Jay are my male aces then she's easily one of my female aces"

She was so smooth, it takes years on years of practice to have complete control your body like that

And she couldn't be older than me if anything she's younger

"What's her name?"

"Oh, someone has taken an interest! Her name is Kaycee Rice" Willdabeast said in his teasing way

"Kaycee Rice..."

Julian POV

Josh told me he was going to meet me for Noah Tratree's class

But last second, he couldn't make it but he agreed to hang out for lunch afterward

Class was always nice in Noah's class his mix of contemporary and hip-hop is what I need to stay versatile and still get the contemporary training that Sean and Josh had loads of

Class was always small mostly because of it's early morning time slot so it's hard for people to come to but I couldn't help but notice a girl around my age taking the class

"Okay time to showcase your stuff," Noah said as he doesn't have cameras in his class but he still wants everyone to have their moment going all out

A few solos and some groups went, the only ones who haven't gone were me, the girl and Noah himself

"Okay you two"

We got up and headed towards the middle and we did the combo well

Well, I did good she was amazing!

You can tell she was an expert in both contemporary and hip hop

And the way she moves with so much control... I could fall-

"Good job Jules," Noah said to me patting my back interrupting my thoughts "And amazing as always Kaycee"


"Yep, that's me nice to meet you, Jules, you're a great dancer!" She said, "I'm Kaycee Rice!"

"Nice to meet you too, oh and it's Julian btw"

"Oh, sorry I thought it was unique like jewelry," she said as we laughed

"Want to get lunch?"


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