"I would never cheat on you baby, I love you too much," he told me sincerely and I thought I was going to faint. God, he was so perfect.

"You better not cheat on me." I heard Caroline say to Mason while I kissed Zach's lips lovingly.

"Are you joking? You are a werewolf and I'm not. How stupid do you think I am?" Mason laughed and Caroline nodded, clearly satisfied with his answer as a victorious smirk crossed her face. She basically owned Mason and if he left, she could tear him into a million pieces right then and there.

We all laughed as she rolled her eyes before a echoing bang blasted through our laughter. "What the hell was that?" Liam asked, edging closer to me and Zach.

Instinctively, Zach pulled my body closer and shielded it with his own as another booming followed. We were out in the middle of the woods, a few miles away from the pack and my stomach turned at the possibilities of what the noise could've been.

Another, shorter boom followed and a small silver bullet flew between our group before smacking into a rock and obliterating small shards of stone.

My wolf immediately kicked in, with the blood boiling in my veins, my eyes flashed a deep amber colour that resembled a warning. "Duck," I ordered and the tone of my voice made it clear it wasn't up for discussion.

We all instantly dove behind the huge rocks and boulders that scattered in the creek and huddled behind their protection. Zach's arms stayed tightly around mine as we exchanged glances.

"Do you think that Alpha Dean wasn't working alone," Alexia hissed from opposite me, her head was buried in Ryders arm whose body was pretty much covering hers.

"We don't know who their target is, if its me then they have a pretty shit aim because that bullet was nowhere near me," I whispered back, lowering my head against Zach's.

It was only then that I noticed the booming sounds had faded to a stop and deathly silence fell around us. I shared another quick glance with Zach and took in his worry filled eyes and frowning lips.

I sat across his lap with my head buried in his shoulder and his own resting on mine. Behind me, Liam crouched, holding one of my hands and sandwiching me between the two of them.

"I think they have gone," I heard Liam state in a quite tone and I felt the cool wind brush against my back as he moved his body away from my own.

"Stay down," Zach warned just before a faint buzzing sound reached my ears.

"Do you guys hear that?" I whispered and a long, silence followed with only the low humming noise filling our ears.

"What the hell is that?" Caroline snarled, clinging to Mason and partly shielding him while at the same time, he was shielding her.

"Um...." Ryders voice sounded unusually faint as I tilted my head to see his tipped back, his eyes trained on the clear blue sky.

I followed his fixed gaze until my own eyes landed on the small plane hovering a few thousand feet above us.

We all stared in confusion and curiosity as the plane pulled away from its place and zoomed through the sky, dimming the volume of the humming until it drifted into silence.

Where the plane had been, a small black dot seemed to be growing in its absence and soon the realisation that it was falling hit me.

"Is that...?" I heard Jordan squeak, enveloped in Blakes arms.

"Is it a bomb?" Blake sniffed as the small object neared us even more.

"Oh my god," I gasped as it was only a few hundred feet from us and was going to fall right on us.

"Run!" Someone yelled.


My legs wobbled beneath me as I scurried to my feet.


Zachs hand grasped mine immediately as he pulled me up and yanked me away from our hiding space.

But we were too late.

The metal ball hit the ground with a thud and we all winced, waiting for the impact. It was like time slowed as I tucked my body further into Zachs and my hand tugged on Liams so the three of us were huddled together, waiting to die.

I shared a brief glance with my best friends to see them all doing the same thing. Then, I buried my face in Zach's shirt and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

"What's going on?" Caroline grumbled and I peeked over to see the metal ball resting on the floor, denting the ground it fell on.

I narrowed my eyes at the small puffs of smoke that escaped the ball, quickly diffusing into the air around us. I let my nostrils fill with the scent and my heart stopped in my chest at the recognition.

"Wolfsbane." I gasped, fear and panic evident in my trembling voice as the whole world tipped on its side and soon I was fading into the darkness.

I stumbled backwards, trying to regain my footing and slipped into Liams strong arms, steadying me for a second before we both tumbled to the floor and vanished into oblivion.

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