Mystery: Love me if you can

ابدأ من البداية

'wait Tracy isn't with us? '

Then she remembered she can get items of other team mates from chests. Someone must've been using as a decoy


Then another cipher went down

"Jack the ripper is not that good at hunting" she said


"you go first!" She yelled alerting her team mates. Martha, Emma and Emily were at the other side of the map.  Emma was dismantling some chairs on that area.


The siren was heard through out the map

"you go first! " she yelled again as she went to the exit gate behind her and started entering the password

"you go first! " she heard the other three yell back when suddenly a red flash of light came behind her then slashed her giving her a terror shock

"looks like I caught my little mouse" Jack said and smiled as he carried her bridal style and placed her on the rocket chair just at the end of the red carpet

"Don't move I'll help you! " she heard Martha shout as Martha went through the church, crouching at the entrance

"what is this? Why are you wearing stockings little Naib~" Jack said brushing Nabi's face as Nabi looked at him with straight cold eyes which gave Jack delight. Oh how he loves those eyes.

Martha came up and shot Jack with her flare gun then untied the wires from Nabi as they both ran. Martha ran inside the church while Nabi ran towards the Rocky ruins

"you go first! " she said as Jack followed her close giving her another slash, but she didn't go down yet she tried to run towards the open exit gate but immediately went down just at the end of the Rocky ruins.

Jack smiled as Nabi began to self recover

"you go first! " Nabi shouted as Jack teleported on the open Gate and slashed Martha and was down but she managed to crawl out while Jack was recovering.

She was 90% at self recovery when her heartbeat started to race

'come on... ' she mummbled and got up and ran only to be face to faced with Jack

" going somewhere? " Jack said before slashing her down again

"AHHH!! " She groaned as the wounds bled

"I want to have a little chat with you my little Naib" Jack said kneeling in front of her

"aren't you going to put me on the chair" Nabi said looking into Jack's eyes

"I will~ but I want to look at you closer since you're a female now it's something new to my eyes" Jack said and smiled as he held Nabi's chin making her face him directly

"As a girl you should always keep your lips moist, it will be damaged if you keep them dry" He said as his thumb brushed her lips

He was right her lips were dry and a bit damaged, she doesn't wear any lip gloss or any make up of some sort

"and what if I don't? " she answered smiling

"then... " Jack paused as his lips crashed with hers

Nabi was in total shock and was still processing what was happening

Slowly realizing her eyes started to pool with water and Jack ended the kiss and licked her lips before fully pulling away.

"I'll be the one keeping those lips moist" he said and smirked before carrying Nabi to the rocket chair

"take care of those lips of yours for me" he said and smiled before Nabi's chair flew

Jack licked his lips. The sensation of his lips crashing with hers was pure bliss, he couldn't get over the feeling.


Nabi's rocket chair softly landed near the front of the manor as she stood up.

She saw the other three running towards her direction as she quickly wiped the pooling tears off her eyes and fixing herself

" we're sorry Nabi. Jack had detention he can one hit us so we had to leave you for a win" Martha apologized

"i-it's okay what matters is that our team won" she said putting up a smile as half of her face was covered by her hoodie hiding the blush as she remember what just happened before she was sent back

"let's go back inside so I can treat your wounds" Emily said as everyone agreed

Nabi was walking behind them as she places two fingers on top of her still moist lips

" so how was the rocket trip " Naib said raising an eyebrow at Nabi

"oh uh well it's sorta thrilling, I'm gonna rest now " she said darting of towards her room

"wait your wounds! " Emily shouted

"I'll treat them myself for now! " she yelled as she slammed the door shut and slammed herself to bed hugging a pillow

"my first kiss... Gone... "she said as she burrowed her face on the pillow

[At the hunters manor]

Jack went straight to his room smiling as if he had won, but well he lost the match, but it was a win for him. He couldn't forget the face she made when he kissed her.

And craved more of her lips and that face.

"I can't wait to claim your lips again" he said smiling

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