6# a song+ex bestfriend

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Peridot's POV
Wednesday. I like wednesday. I don't know why. It's just likeable. It was already evening. We didn't do something interesting in school. It was like always. Boring and dumb.
Today is October the 11th. My birthday is in 10 days...
I shrugged. That's not important.
Maybe I can hang out with someone?
Lapis and Amethyst were in the mall. Garnet was by her cousine. Pearl was training with Connie. Yeah Connie trains judo. Pearl is her trainer. Steven is the only one left. I liked Steven. He was a funny little boy who could quickly cheer you up. Sometimes he acts really childish. I forget that he's only two years younger than me. I called Steven.

Hi Peridot. What's up?

Hey Steven. I just wanted to ask you if you hang out with me? I'm a bit lonely

Um sure! Why not? I'll bring my ukulele okay? See ya at 6pm!


I put my phone back in my pocket.
Half an hour left. I could play some Pubg.

30 minutes later

Ding Dong

"Hey Steven! How are you?" He hugged me. "I'm fine thank you. So I was thinking..." I tilted my head. "About what?" The young boy played his ukulele. "Maybe we could sing?"
I shook my head. "I...don't sing."
"Aww come on Peridot. It will be fun!"
I sighed. "Okay."
He started to play again.
(I changed it a little bit)

S:Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do
P: Do Mi So Do?
S: Isn't it pretty?
P: That's exceedingly simple.
Do Mi So Ti?
S: We're making music
P: What's the point?
S: Just add words. Here's what I've been working on:
Life and death and love and birth, and peace and war on the planet earth.
Is there anything that's worth more than peace and love on the planet earth. Woah. C'mon and sing it with me.
P: sing?
S: The words relate to the key.
P: key?
S: if it's a pattern, if it's a pattern then just reaped after me!
Life and death and love and birth!
P: Life and death and love and birth?
S: Using fa mi, fa mi, fa mi ti la!
Both: And peace and war on the planet earth.
S: Yes Yes. That's it!
P: That's so easy.
S: Yeah, but that's what's fun about it. You should write something. You should write a song!
P: about what?
S: Whatever you're thinking!

I sighed. Steven waited for my next step, smiling.

P: I guess we're already here. I guess we're already know. We've all got something to fear. We've got nowhere to go. I think you're all insane! But...I guess I am too...anybody would be if they were stuck on earth with you.
S: haha Yes!
S: Life and death and love and birth.
P: Life and death and love and birth and-
S: Life and death and love and love and birth and peace and war on the planet earth.
P: Is there anything that's worth more...
S: Is there anything that's worth more
P: Is there anything that's worth more than peace and love on the planet earth.

"Wow Peridot. You're really good!"
I chucked nervously. "Thanks. You weren't that bad either." Steven smiled. We sang a few more songs until someone knocked on the door.
I opened it and it was...
EMERALD!? WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE!? "Hey Peri." Yeah she called me like that. "W-what are you doing here?" She giggled. "My parents are staying here for 3 days. You know, visiting friends and stuff..." I rubbed my neck. Wow Emerald is so beautiful...
She had dark green eyes and she dyed her hair from black to green. "You dyed your hair..." She nodded. "Yeah I changed a bit but you didn't change." Emerald laughed. I chuckled awkwardly. "Peridot who is that?" Steven shouted from the living room. Shit I forgot about him. "Was that your boyfriend?" The green haired girl smirked. "WHAT? NO! YOU KNOW THAT I'M GAY!" I screamed. Oh no Steven might hear me. The younger boy joined us. "You're gay!?" I nodded slowly. "Why didn't you tell us!?" He asked kinda shocked. "Tell what? That she had a crush on me?" Emerald said. I gasped. "Shut the fuck up!" Steven stared at Emerald. "Hey I know you from somewhere..." Emerald stared back. "Yeah I know you too..." Steven gasped. "You were Lars's girlfriend!"
She nodded. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Nothing important. Peridot I need to talk to you, alone." Emerald pointed at Steven. The curly haired nodded and waved goodbye. "You sure you okay with this?" I asked him. "Yeah. I need to go anyways so..." I nodded. "Oh and Steven." He turned his head to me. "Yeah?" I started to blush. "Please don't tell anyone..."
He gave me a thumbs up.
"So what is it?" We were sitting on the couch. Emerald blushed a deep red. "Peridot I need to tell you something."
She looked at me. "I felt in love with you." I blushed too. WHAT!? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!? "Why did you rejected me then?" Emerald sighed. "I don't know. I was afraid of loving a girl. I'm so sorry Peri." She took my hand. "Would you be my girlfriend?"
She smiled. "I....uhm..." Should I say yes? But I don't love her anymore. I have still feelings for her but...my feelings for Lapis are stronger.
"I-I'm sorry Emy. I don't love you anymore..." Emerald's smile disappeared. "I moved on. I love someone else." I said. She looked away. I heard a few sobs. "I'm sorry I need to go..." She opened the door and run outside. "WAIT!" I tried to stop her, without success.
I walked back home and started to cry. Why didn't she tell me!? I'm so dumb. I rejected her just like she did it. I feel so bad for her but I don't really love her. I love Lapis. We could be lovers, girlfriends....why now!?
My phone rang. It's Lapis...
"H-hello?" I tried to act normal. "Peridot why are you crying?" Fuck...
"I'm not crying."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Yes." I slapped myself.
"So what's wrong?" Lapis was worried. I sighed. "Everything is okay..." I started to cry again. "PERIDOT! Don't cry I'm-"
I hung up. Even more crying. Lapis called me again. I put the phone on the table and went upstairs to my bathroom.

Warning! Self-injury!
"I deserve it." I took my blade from the closet. "You're a awful person." I rolled up my sleves. They were some fresh cuts. When you feel like cutting yourself again, talk to me okay? I'm sorry Rose. I cutted myself a few times. Blood dropped on the ground. I smiled at my work. It was so satisfying how the red substance was flowing down my left arm, with a lot of pain. Every cut got deeper and deeper. Suddenly I heard a few bangs from the front door. I flinched while I was dropping my blade and went to the door. I didn't open it.
"PERIDOT FUCKING ENGINE! OPEN THAT DAMN DOOR!" Lapis shouted from outside. A few sobs came after that.

I love Lapis so much. I need a friend like her lol.

I'll tell you-Lapidot Human AU [completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant