3# hanging out

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Peridot's POV
I woke up and looked at my belly. Welp that's a big bruise...
I stood up and took some pills. Don't worry not anti-depression pills. Just normal pills for my stomach. Lapis couldn't find because I hide them with my 'other' pills.
My Phone rang. Huh who is that? I have only two numbers on my phone. From my mother and from Rose. "Hello ?" I said.
"Hey Lapis here. I saved your number. I hope that's okay." Wanted to give it to her anyways so. "It's fine." I gulped. I never really talked to people.
What should I say? What would she say? Does she even like me? Probably not...
"I'm worried about you." She confessed. I began to blush madly. Glad she isn't here right now. "W-why?" I don't understand. "Um well it's ...because we're friends." She said. Was she disappointed? "Yeah right. Friends...". Calm down Peridot. What if she isn't gay? No she is gay. She's Jasper's ex. Ugh we barely know each other. Maybe I can invite her to my house? To hang out. I shrugged.
"Anyways, what are you up to?" I asked. "Nothing really. It's kinda boring right now." Yeah! "COME HERE." I screamed happily. I realised what I did and slapped myself. Lapis giggled. "Okay I'm coming you dork."
She hanged up. Yesh! I did it! Lapis will come! I smiled at myself. Maybe we can watch Netflix? Or we can play on my Ps4. Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. I opened the door. Lapis was standing in front of me. She weared a blue t-shirt and black leggings. "Hey." She said. Yep I'm totally gay for her. I shook my head. "Greetings Mrs. Lazuli welcome to hell!" She entered my house. "You're such a nerd Peri~" The blue girl smirked at me. Peri? Was that a nickname? Lapis probably realised what she was saying, because her face turned red. I just stared at her in confusion. "SORRY! I didn't mean to call you like that!" I started to laugh.
"It's fine Lappy~" She blushed. Weird girl. Why is she always blushing? Does she like me? No Peridot she'll never like you. Look at you. You are disgusting and small. No one likes you. The Crystal Gems probably don't like you either. "Well...what do you want to do?" She asked me."H-huh?"
"What do you want to do?" She tried again. "Oh uhm we could play something on my ps4 or we could eat something?". Lapis was thinking. "Hmm what if we call the other to hang out?" I hesitated. "I don't know. I'm not really good in being friends." She took my hand with both of her hands. "Don't worry it will be fine. I'm here." Lapis smiled at me. My face creeped a blush. "W-wow thanks." I looked away. The blue girl giggled. DAMMIT THAT GIGGLE! I sighed. "Fine you can call the others but I think you need your hands for...that." I looked at my hand. She was still holding it. " OH RIGHT. Sorry!" Lapis laughed nervously. The taller one grabbed her phone from her pocket and I saw 'purple puma' on her screen. "Yo ame it's me. You want to hang out with me and Peridot? Diamond street 3. I know right? Yeah okay see ya!" She put her phone back in her pocket. "Amethyst is calling the others." I nodded. "Do you like Camp Pining Hearts?" I tried to chat with her. "HECK YEAH! I LOVE IT!" I smiled. We watched a few episodes until my door bell ringed. Lapis opened the door. "Hey Amethyst!" They hugged each other. "Hey Laz, hey P-dog!" Amethyst ruffled my hair. "Stop...ruffling." She chuckled. "Sorry nerd. I talked with everyone. Steven and Connie will be here in a few minutes. Pearl is right behind me and Garnet couldn't come. She's with her cousin Ruby." Pearl came after Amethyst. "Greetings Lapis and Peridot. " I waved at her. This is really something. Ten minutes later, Steven and Connie joined us. "Someone wants to play truth or dare?" The chubby girl asked. Everyone agreed except me. "Come one Peri! Please?" Lapis looked at me with puppy eyes. I sighed. "Fine." She smiled at me. Fuck she's too cute. "Okay I decide someone." Amethyst said. She looked around. "Since we don't know you so well, I'll start with you. Peridot truth or dare?" It's been a long time since I played truth or dare. What should I choose? "Truth." The white haired girl sighed. "No fun! Okay hmm...OH I KNOW!" She smirked. "Are you gay?"
I gulped. Everyone waited for my answer and I swear Lapis was the most interested. What now!? Maybe I should lie? That's my biggest secret. I can't trust them... right know. I'll tell them later...maybe. "I...don't think so..." Steven's smile disappeared and Connie and Amethyst were...upset? Pearl just nodded. Lapis didn't look at me. Did I say something wrong? No that's not possible. "Okay um Steven truth or dare?" The young boy decided dare. Nyehhehe. "I dare you to kiss Connie!" They both blushed madly. "Ooohh that's some good shit P-dot!" Amethyst cheered. Steven pressed his lips against Connie's. They both kissed for a few seconds. "Nice Steman!" Everyone cheered except Pearl. She just shook her head and sighed. "Okay I choose-
"Peridot." Suddenly, Lapis said something. "Y-yeah?" I looked at her. W-why is she crying? Is this my fault?

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