1# beautiful ocean

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Peridot's POV
Beep Beep Beep Beep.
Ugh stupid clock. I stood up and turned the alarm of. It was monday 6pm. I'm so tired. Fucking hate school.
I went to the bathroom for a quick shower. I dried my hair, brushed my teeth and changed my pyjama. Hmm what should I wear today? I looked at myself in the mirror. I had blond, short hair and light blue eyes with green glasses...aaand I'm short. 5'4" inches. To be honest, I hate myself. I'm just not satisfied with the way I look. I shook my head. Whatever I'm just trash. I decided to wear a white t-shirt, a green hoodie, some black jeans and black-green sneakers.
I went downstairs to the kitchen. There was a note from my awful mother yellow diamond. That's what I should call her. She's such a clod. I red the note:
Hey 5xg. I'm going to a buisnes-trip for tree weeks. I left some money for you. Stay safe you little shit.

I rolled my eyes. 5xg was my nickname. I don't know why she calls me like that. "Yesh! I'm alone!" I smiled but then I remembered something.
Back then when I was a little bit younger (age 12) , my dad died from cancer. Since that day, my mother was...different. She's always sad and sometimes she hits me. That's the time were I started to feel depressed. I have no friends and in gem high almost everyone hates me. There is a big buff girl called Jasper Anges. Jasper is in the football team and is very popular. She always insulted me and beated me. Back then I started to work out. I'm a little bit ripped now and I can fight. Jasper never stopped bullying me and of course as dumb as I was, I didn't do anything about it. Now in the present, nothing changed. I'm still afraid of her. There were news that Jasper had a girlfriend. I don't remember her name but it was something with Lazuli? Weird name. They broke up and of course I took the anger. I even fainted out.
I sighed. I need to get ready for school. I have no time for this right now. After some flakes, I went outside. I looked at my phone. 20 minutes left. Still enough time. I closed the door and went to the bus station. There were a few teens pointing and laughing at me. I groaned. Stupid clods.


I opened the doors from gem stone high. Everyone were laughing and looking at me. You want to know why? One week ago, Jasper made a horrible mistake. She hit me in front of everyone and told them my biggest secret. I still have some bruises and cuts. A few people, called the crystal gems, helped me. Now they think that I can't do anything without the crystal gems. Yeah crystal gems...
Shit I'm late for class. I ran to my first class. I smiled. Math was my favourite subject. That's why everyone calls me a nerd. I ran inside and sat on my chair. I was sitting alone. Once there was a girl sitting next to me two years ago. Her name was Emerald and oh god I loved her. She was my only friend and I felt in love with her. Yeah that's my biggest secret. I'm a lesbian. Emerald's dad found a job in New York. Before they left beach city, I told my feelings to her. She laughed at me and said that we'll never be together again. Back then I cried a lot.
I sighed and put my head on the table. The teacher, Mrs. Opal came. "Good morning everyone. Today we have a new girl in our class. Come in." I looked at the door. My eyes widened. Holly stars she was beautiful and...kinda hot...shit. Peridot think straight! My face heated up. She had short, blue died hair and blue eyes. Like the ocean. A beautiful ocean. She was wearing a blue crop top hoddie with black jeans and blue converse. She opened her mouth. "Hey. Names Lapis Lazuli. Nice to meet ya." Wait Lapis 'Lazuli'? Is this possible? No it can't be her, can it? Everyone looked at her. A few boys smirked. I groaned. Suddenly I heard someone in front of me. It was Lazuli. Oh stars oh stars. "Is someone sitting here?" She asked calmly. I shook my head. You stupid clod why can't you speak like a normal human!? She sat next to me. Maybe if I stay silent she'll ignore me. I decided to stay silent until the teacher said my name. "Peridot Engine?" Everyone laughed. I raised my hand. "H-here." Mrs. Opal looked at me with a worried expression. Why tho? I looked at my arm. Oh fuck she saw the cuts. I quickly hide my arm. "I want you to talk to Mrs. Quarz-Unniverse after class." She smiled at me sadly. Wow that's just great. Everyone was still laughing. Good that Jasper isn't in my math class. "Why is everyone laughing at you?" Lapis asked while looking around the classroom. I stayed silent.
"Um dude I asked you something." She tried again. Tears were in the corner of my eyes. "They're hating me and always making fun of me." I looked away. The blue girl closed her mouth and didn't say anything. I could tell that she was staring at me. That's really weird. I wiped my tears away and turned my head to her. "W-why are you looking at me like this? Is something on my face?" I giggled nervously. "Um....". She blushed and looked away. I giggled again. "Okay Class. Let's start." What a wonderful start.
Knock knock.
"Come in!" I opened the door of the nurse-room. "Hey Peridot. How are you?" Mrs. Quarz came. "I'm fine thank you Mrs.Quarz." She fake coughed. "I-I mean thank you Rose." Rose smiled. "That's better." Rose was known as the school-nurse but also a lot of people talk with her because she always comforts you. She is really beautiful. She had long pink curly hair with black eyes and she wears a nurse uniform. "I...did it again. " I rolled up my sleves. She sighed. "Peridot we talked about this. No cutting!" I groaned. "I know but it's just difficult." Rose hugged me. "When you feel like cutting yourself again, talk to me okay?" I nodded slowly. She wraped my cuts with bandages. I thanked her and waved goodbye.

Timeskip to lunch

I went to the cafeteria. Guess I'll sit alone again. Like always. But then I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around. It was Jasper. I gulped. "Hey you runt. Someone told me that you're sitting with Lapis in class. Don't you dare to touch her understand?" She punched me in my stomach. "Wow you're hard." The taller one punched again. I fell to the ground, almost coughing blood. Come on Peridot. Fight back! I didn't move. She tried to kick me until someone punched her in the face. "Leave her alone!" This voice. Is it...Lapis? I stood up. Lapis came to me. "Are you okay?" I nodded and wanted to leave but then she grabbed my arm. I blushed. "I'm sorry about Jasper." She apologized. The blue girl let go. "It's fine. It's always like that don't worry." I said coldly. Lapis widened her eyes. "Um okay..."
I went to the cafeteria. Jasper is a clod, Lapis is a clod, everyone is a clod!
I sat down on a free table.
"YO PERIDOT YOU CAN EAT WITH US!" Someone shouted. I followed the voice. Amethyst waved at me. She was sitting on a table with the other crystal gems. I shrugged and sat next to Amethyst. There was a tall girl with sunglasses sitting in front of me and oh my stars she haves some hips. Amethyst was sitting to the left and a pale girl was sitting to the right of me. I only knew Amethyst because we did a project together. A few months ago. Than everything started with the crystal gems. "Hey P-dot. This is Garnet." She pointed to the tall girl. She nodded. I waved awkwardly. "That's Birdmom." She pointed to the skinny girl next to me. "Amethyst!" The pale girl shouted. "I'm sorry about her. My name is Pearl nice to meet you Peridot." She shook my hand. "This boy here is Steven. He is two years younger than me." She pointed to the corner of the table. A boy with curly black hair, blue jeans and a pink shirt was sitting next to a dark skinned, brown haired girl. The girl had a blue t-shirt and a dark skirt So they are 14?
(yes I made Connie older)
He waved at me and pointed to the girl. "That's my girlfriend Connie." She smiled at me. I looked at everyone. Amethyst was thick and had long white hair with black eyes. She weared a black shirt with purple leggings and withe sneakers. Pearl was skinny and had short peach hair with light blue eyes. They were almost like my eyes. She weared a bank blue shirt. They were the same colour as her eyes. Pearl also had skinny jeans and some yellow shoes on. Garnet had dark skin and black afro hair. It looked a little bit like a square. She weared a purple leather jacket and black jeans with purple boots.
"Our last member is late!" Amethyst grumbled. "I'm sorry guys I was dealing with Jas...". Lapis was staying in front of us speechless. We were both staring at each other. "Seems like you know each other." Amethyst chuckled. "Er...yes we're sitting together." I said. Lapis sat in the corner next to Amethyst. She didn't stop staring at me. The white haired girl noticed it. "Looks like Lapis has a crush on a nerdy dork." She laughed. Lapis blushed madly and tried to cover her face. I blushed too. "Let's eat." Garnet said out of nowhere.

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