XV. Just A Victim

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Hugo had the look of serenity, his sights locked on the path they were taking as he hum along to a certain 90's music that was blaring off his speaker.

He steals glances every now and then while he casually showers the back of her hand with kisses with their fingers intertwined.

It can't be him.

She convinced herself for the nth time as she recalled Shawn's assumptions.

"You told me that the pattern on the canvas sent to you was on the first time or place you met those people and the fact that your pursuer let Xavier live means he's only after those with the intent of hurting you." he pointed those major points as he paced back and forth positioning one file after another.

"The first victim roofied you, the next kidnapped you after you declined his proposal for marriage. The third tried to have sexual advances on you." he raised the files to give emphasis on prior data collected from her statements.

"If you met Hugo before Natalia then his obsession with you must've started that early." he added as he pointed Hugo's picture on his web of individuals involved in the case.

"Think about it Mona was Hugo there when you first met those people?" Mona can hear a certainty on his voice when he as such question.

She was petrified with the thought for as far as she can remember the answer to Shawn's question was, yes.

"I-I don't recall. It's been too long." she stuttered unable to hide the battle raging between logic and emotions which was easily comprehended by Shawn.

"If it was him, would you have the heart to surrender the man you love to bring justice for all the blood on his hands?" Shawn's gaze was piercing but what came out his mouth next have shaken her entire being.

"Because I will stop at nothing to bring justice to my fallen men and free the woman I love from the wolf wearing sheep clothing." he vowed as he placed a kiss on her forehead leaving her as confused as ever.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Hugo playfully poked her side to capture her attention breaking her trance.

"I was just curious as to where we're heading." came her immediate response.

"You'll know soon enough amore." was his thrift answer as he focused his attention to the road, a smile never leaving his handsome face.

15 minutes passed when they reached the Castiglione's "Home for the Lost", a sanctuary for elders with no family to take care of them.

"You didn't tell me we're visiting them today. I could've prepared something for them." Mona's face lit up when she saw the elders gathering by the plaza for she had always loved doing volunteer works for them.

"Well, I had that taken care off besides we're not voluntering today." he beamed as he parked his vehicles, giddy at something he had planned for her. He hurriedly went out and travelled to her door, opening it like the gentleman he is.

"What do you mean?" she asked cocking her brow at her lover as she removed her seatbelt and accepting his extended hand.

"I have someone I want you to meet." came his short answer.

Intrigued, Mona let him lead her to a room which has a woman in her early fifties solemnly staring out the window. The figure was the familiar kind of odd drawing Mona steps closer to the woman.

The woman tilted her head to see who intruded her space showing Mona a full look of her face.

"Mom." Mona managed to call out before bursting into tears. There she was. The woman she's long searched for.

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