Gred and Forge

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Fred's P.O.V

I took a seat in the same compartment as George, knowing that our other best friend Lee Jordan would be joining soon.

But instead of seeing Lee Jordan I saw the same girl that our mum was talking to.

"Hi! Can I sit here?" The (h/c) haired girl said with a sweet smile.

"Sure love, go right ahead." I said seductively. I knew every girl always fell for me when I flirted with them...but this girl..she was different. Instead of blushing, she smiled sweetly and gave a small thank you as a reply, and sat down next to George.

"I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself have I? I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/N), I believe you are Fred and George correct?" (Y/N) says sweetly.

"Yes but.." I start.

"Which one is Fred? And which one is George." Me and George said in unison so it made it more difficult.

"Well..." She says with a nervous look that makes Me smirk.

"Come on you guys! You seriously can't expect her to be able to tell you two apart on her first day." Said the voice of our best friend Lee Jordan.

"Of course we do Lee. I wanna see if she can!" I said, knowing that there was no way (Y/n) would get it right.

"But, that may be going a little too far, don't you think?" Lee said in a worried tone.

"Oh Lee, you seriously need to stop worrying so much." I smirk, as I look towards George. He was blushing, but it couldn't be because he was sitting next to a girl....was it?

"I'll give it a shot. I think that I am currently sitting next to George, and you are Fred. I have many reasons for that answer. One, you two have a different eye, and face shape. Two, Fred slouches while George has better posture. Three, Fred always starts the sentence and George always ends it. Four, you two have a slight difference in voice and in height. And finally the fifth reason, Fred is more confident and flirty when talking to girls, and can easily express his feelings and talks a lot more than George. While George is more laid back and shy with his feelings and doesn't talk that often unless making a joke, his jokes and pranks may be funny, but when it comes to girls, he has difficulty talking to them." (Y/n) said with confidence.

Fred, George, and Lee all stood there with shock on there face. There has never been any one other than Lee, and their brothers that could tell them apart. They were also amazed of how many differences (Y/n) noticed.

"Well come on Lee, don't just stand there, some sit down." (Y/n) joked.

Lee blushed and sat down next to me. I've never been truly interested in a girl before, but (y/n) intrigued me. and now that I look at her closely, she is very pretty. She has nice (h/l) (h/c) hair, and the most beautiful (e/c) eyes you'll ever see.

"Anything off the trolley dears?" said a lady passing out snacks. I didn't have much money, and even with George and Lee's money, we still wouldn't have enough to buy all of us something.

"I'll take two of everything!" (Y/n) said happily. I watch in shock as she pulls out a bunch of Galleons, Sickles, and nuts. (oof Is this the right?). Lee, George, and my eyes widen as (y/n) shares her food with us.

"You guys look like you've never seen a girl act kind before. You guys looked hungry so I thought I should give you something." (Y/n) said sweetly. I blushed, could I possibly be falling for (Y/n)?

Lee's P.O.V

This girl (y/n) is incrediable, I think I like a friend!...yeah...a friend... I thought, doubting myself. She is so kind! she even shared her food with me! And to think she can tell the twins apart! She is amazing, I think I will be great friends with her.

George's P.O.V

"Oh. My. God. A FREAKING ANGEL IS SITTING NEXT TO ME!!!! I'M FREAKING OUT! SHE'S TOO PRETTY FOR HER OWN GOOD!"  I thought as my blush deepened more and more.

Y/n's P.O.V

The twins and Lee are rather cute, but I wouldn't say I have a crush on them. Or maybe I do and I'm just really good at keeping my emotions, then again I've never had a crush before..I decided to share my food with them, even though it is very sacred and a huge part of my life, I shared anyway since I'm nice. (A/n don't worry there will be moments with all the characters, I might even make chapters just for them at the end of the story when you chose who to date, there may also be some lemons xD so make sure to suggest who you want). 

Those boys are so easy to make blush though...

"Excuse me, have you seen a toad? a boy named Neville seems to have lost his. " A girl with messy brown hair asked. Fred, George, and Lee all shook their heads, while I just smiled brightly and said, "I think I might have an idea where it is."

I went out of my compartment, only to see that my assumstions were correct. A boy with platinum blonde hair and gray eyes was struggling to keep hold of a toad. "Excuse me, but I believe that toad does not belong to you." I said with a smile.

"Who dare has the nerve to talk to me like that." The boy said with a low growl as he turned around to face me.

"I do." I huffed. His expression softened once he saw me.

"Ah, my apologies for sounding rude earlier, miss..." His sentence drifted off.

"(Y/n), (Y/N) (L/n)." I said sweetly as I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you (Y/n), I'm.." He starts but I stop him.

"I know perfectly well who you are, you are Draco Lucius Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy. " I smile as I take the toad from his hands, smirking, then I walked away. 

I continue to walk down the train and saw that same brown haired girl.

'"I found the toad, you can give it to Neville now." I said kindly.

"Ew no, I'm not holding that disgusting thing, you take it to him, Neville is two more compartments down on the right." The brown haired girl scoffed. My smile faltered a little as the girl spoke rudely to me, but I still stood my ground.

"Jeez, learn to be a little nicer." I said quietly. The girl glared at me as I walked to the compartment Neville was supposed to be in.  I knock on the door real quick, just to make sure they're not changing. "Come in!" said three different voices. I open the compartment door slowly.

"Hi there, I'm looking for someone named Neville." I said a tad bit shyly. I look further in the compartment to see a sandy blonde hair, a black skinned male with black hair, and a boy who had black hair, brown eyes, and looked like he didn't want to be here.

"I'm right here..." Neville said shyly.

"I have something for you, I believe this is yours correct?" I ask as I hold out the toad.

"TREVOR!" Neville practically yells as he take the toad from my hand and cuddles with it.  'No wonder it ran away.' I thought.

"Thank you so"

"(Y/n), (y/n) (l/n). It's a pleasure to meet you Neville." I said sweetly. He blushed bright red at my sudden change of personality. Neville thought it was cute.

"Aww, has Neville developed a crush for the new girl?" The other two boys teased. Nevilled just blushed even harder. I took a seat next to Neville and the Sandy blonde haired boy , and chatted with them. I also talked to the dark skinned boy. They were named Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas. I soon feel asleep on Seamus who was on my left. But as I slept, I felt his breaths become more and more difficult to get out.

Annnd done~ what a long chapter...and a cliffhanger too! What will happen with the three boys, will they fight over you? Will the other two get Jealous? Who knows...see you all next chapter

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