9 days

3 3 0

We arrive at the prison,we go threw a metal detector and talk to the guard at the front desk.

"Hi,my name is Dan,and this is Phil." 

The two names together put a ring in my ears,i decided to ignore it.

"So,my mum, Lisa Howell was put in here about a year ago?" 

I show him the paper. He takes it and read overs it,and types something on his computer.

"We don't have a Lisa Howell here."

I raise an eyebrow.


"Did she get transferred or something?" Phil pipes up.

"I don't know?"

"WELL FIND THE HELL OUT!" Phil says pounding his fist.

I grab his hand to calm him down.

"Woah buddy,be careful,or you could be in here before you know it." The guard says smirking.

Phil rolls his eyes.

"I'll tell you what,I will find out where your mum is and get to you right away,just right down your name and number." He says handing me a paper and pen.

Dan Howell, 323-568-0986 (not a real number)

"Thank you so much." I say walking out the door.

Okay Dan,their going to find your mum,and you can tell her how much you hate her,then finally,you can die,remember,no.flaking.

We drive home.

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