25 days

4 3 0

I hear a knock on my door,it's my brother,George. 

"What do you want?" I say putting my pillow over my head.

He opens my curtains. 

"Look outside." He demands.

George is in 9th grade,only a couple years younger than me,he is the most favored out of all three of us,but then again,I am the least favored,I don't even think I am favored at all.

I look out the window,there was a yard covered in snow,it was only May,the last time we got snow in May was when I was 9,George was about 7 and Athena,my little sister was 2,dad and made us pancakes and hot cocoa for breakfast,we spent the day inside watching cartoons and playing games,we don't do things like that anymore.

"That's cool." I lay back down.

"Why don't you ever want to do anything anymore Dan? All you do is sit inside your room sad,you don't ever come out,and when you do you are at work or at school." 

That hit me hard,George gets up and walks to the door.

"I miss you Dan.." He walks out. Then walks back in.

"By the way mum made pancakes." 

I smiled,I got up went downstairs. 

Our hearts are a black holeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat