27 days

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Writers Note: This chapter will be a bit fluffy,but there will also be talk about suicide,also,next chapter is when things will get good..so yeah. Thank you for still reading :) xx ly 

I stare down at the bottom of the cliff,I wonder what would happen if I would just jump down,and break every bone in my body,and let myself bleed out,but I knew I couldn't do something like that to Phil.

"So,how are we going to do this?" 

I looked down at the bottom of Cedar Cliff,down there was a bunch of rocks,and water,I knew it was the perfect place to go out.

I gesture my head to the edge of the cliff.

Phil smiled,he knew exactly what I meant.

"So there,we got that planed out." 

Phil nodded. 

"Dan,you never told me why you want to die." 

My heart sped up,I couldn't tell him that my mum was the reason the boy who was about to make it into national basketball was the reason for his death. 

"Uhm..well,how about I tell you some other time?" I chuckle nervously. 

"No." Phil says putting his hand on top of mine,I jump and move my hand.

"Well,you never told me why you want to die." I try to reverse the question on him.

His eyes grow wide,he stares at the ground,I think he zones out for a moment because when I tap on his arm he jumps.

"You okay? I mean you don't have to tell me..yet."

"How about we wait until we are ready?" 

I nod. 

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