"Excuse me, girls?" A woman smiled, stopping with her husband before they past us. We stopped too and smiled.

"Yes?" I asked, knowing Jade would be shy.

"Can we just say, your an adorable couple!"

"Thank you" Jade giggled as I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"How long have you been together?" She asked sweetly.

"Umm only since yesterday" I chucked, at the shocked expression on the couples faces.

"It looks like you've been together for years, how long have you known each other?" He asked a little shocked.

"A week and a bit" I smiled.

"Well I wasn't expecting that!" He laughed.

"Why can't you be that romantic" she asked him making us laugh. "Sorry for stopping you, it's just your too cute together and we know what some people can be like"

"It's fine, thanks" we smiled and walked away, looking at each other.

"Well that was...different" I laughed making Jade giggle.

"But a nice different" she smiled. We went back to keep talking about anything random really.


I covered her eyes before we walked through the doors into the building. She held on to my arms as I guided her body. We were met with a loud noises of balls hitting the wooden pins, loudly falling. I moved my hands away so that she could look around.

"You brought me to a bowling alley?!" She exclaimed. I was a little nervous because I couldn't tell if she'd like it or not.

"Yeah, do you not like it? We could go som-" I was cut off by her lips gently pressed on mine.

"I love it! This is probably the best first date ever, it's fun and competitive!" She clapped excitedly, then turned to me smirking "your going down Edwards"

"It's on Thirlwall"

I paid the man and we changed into those bowling shoes, going to our lane. We typed each other's names in on the scoreboard, hers being 'jadeypoo' and mine being 'perrbear'. She went first and knocked down 7 pins, then 2. I was about to take my turn, when my phone rang. I quickly took rolled the ball, luckily I got 8. I picked up my phone from my phone and looked at the caller ID, "Jesminda👊". I answered thinking it would be important while I waited for the pins to be put back down.

"What's up jes?" I asked picking my ball up "hang on, let me take this shot" I passed the phone to Jade who just held it in her hands, not sure whether to talk to her or not. I knocked down one making the score even. She handed me back my phone as I thanked her.

"Okay, what's up jes?" I asked again.

"Are you two bowling?"


"You took the girl bowling for your first date and her first ever date?" She asked with a light smirk to her tone.

"Yeah why not? It's fun and competitive" I laughed watching Jade wiggle her bum and try to get her stance right, as if she was playing baseball.

"Would have thought something a little more romantic" she chuckled.

"Well she's enjoying it" I smiled watching her quickly count the pins she knocked down before they got cleared. "Anyways, what did you want?"

"Oh just wanted to let you know we won't be home tonight, we're staying at my mams house so jerrie has the flat all to themselves" she smirked.

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