。Chapter 14 ~ Little brother??? 。

Start from the beginning

They know why I went to my garden it's because I had to get in my butterfly form just to do my thing to calm myself down. I relaxed myself. When I was fully relaxed I changed into a human form again. When I turned back into my human form. I sat down on the bench and the boys came to me and Jisung said...

Jisung: "Noona, are you okay now?"

Me: "Yes I'm fine Mochi don't worry."

Lucas: "Okay that's good...now let's go back to the classroom and we'll figure out how to free him okay?"

Me: "Okay."

After we said that we went back to the classroom and when we arrived we started talking about that situation again. Then my head started hurting and I held it and started crying...Then Taeyong said...

Taeyong: "princess are you okay?"

Lucas: "Don't worry Hyung she's fine she's just getting her memories of our little brother back."

Taeyong nodded and he hugged me and comforted me. Jisung did the same thing I thought it was cute. When I got my memories of Renjun back...I still have tears in my eyes but I stopped and Then a few minutes later Ten said...

Ten: "We need to figure out how we are gonna save your little brother."

Me: "But we don't even know who it is...wait maybe I can track down the gps on that persons phone! But I need 2 laptop though!."

Taeyong: "That's a good idea! And ah true!"

Jisung: "Oh Noona! You can you use mine and Jaemin's laptop!"

Me: "Is that okay with you guys?"

Jisung & Jaemin: "Sure Noona! Anything for you!"

Me: "Ah Mochi & Nana, you both have a sweet mouths...I swear."

Jaemin & Jisung: "Thanks Noona!"

Lucas: "But question? Why do you need 2 laptops though."

Me: "One I can track down the location and two the person sounds like they used a voice analyzer so I need to do both in both laptops. one of them to track the location and the other to unscramble their voice."

Lucas: "oh that's makes sense."

Yuta: "Wow! Our girl is definitely a genius."

Me: "Haha thanks Yuta Oppa."

Taeyong: "Yah! No flirting with my girlfriend!"

Yuta: "Hyung I would never!"

Winwin: "Anyways Hey Alice, can you teach me how to do it before you start doing it."

Me: "Sure thing who else wants to learn?"

Chenle & Johnny & Yuta and Ten: "Me!"

Me: "Sheesh Guys."

Taeyong: "Okay one y'all need to stop playing around...I'm talking to you Ten. I know you are playing around."

Ten: "Haha how did you know Hyung?"

Taeyong: "Well Johnny alway had interested in computer stuff and Yuta and Chenle finds it interesting and you...I honestly don't know about you Ten."

Chenle & Yuta and Johnny: "He's right!"

Ten: "Hahah okay I'll stop."

Me: "Okay when I teach y'all how to do it I'm might need you guys two help me too."

Yuta: "Oh with what?"

Me: "When I teach you guys I'm gonna need 2 of y'all to help me track and unscramble their voice while I talk to them of course...but it's okay if you can't I can do it."

Yuta & Johnny & Chenle: "No! We wanna help!"

Me: "Okay okay."

After that Jaemin and Jisung both took their laptops out. But then the bell ranged and I groaned and then everyone came in and so did the teacher and the teacher said...

Teacher: "Students! We are gonna have a free time now!"

Students: "Yay!!"

Then the teacher left and me and the boys decided to go to an empty classroom. When we all arrived at the   empty classroom Jaemin and Jisung gave me the laptops and I started setting up. And then after 20 minutes of teaching them and setting up they finally have gotten used to it. Then I took out my phone and I sighed and then I looked at the others and they all nodded. Taeyong was sitting on my right and Lucas was on my left. I sighed and started calling that person. When that person picked up and said...

???: "Well it's finally time that you called!"

Me: "The h*ll I'm in school!"

????: "Shut the h*ll up! Don't cursing young missy!"


????: "Oh you finally got your memory back I see."

Me: "How the f*ck did you know that?!"

I looked at Yuta and Johnny and nodded and they both started doing their thing. Yuta was unscrambling the person's voice and Johnny was tracking their location. I knew that it wouldn't be easy to track their location because they might be using a tracking block that's when you can't fine the location but I know another way to do that. I looked at them and they nodded and I said...

Me: "Who are you?! And what are you doing with my brother??"

After I said that I put the person on mute because Yuta told Lucas to tap my shoulder and he did. Then I looked over to Lucas and he pointed at Yuta and he said...

Yuta: "I know who you are talking too."

Me: "Really??? Who?"

{ To be continued... }

The Prince and the Butterfly ~ NCT Taeyong  {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now