。Chapter 12 ~ Defending my love ones 。

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While we were talking Yuri and her friends came into the room and Taeyong grabbed my hand and held it. then Yuri said...

Yuri: "Hello my future husband."

Yuta: "What the h*ll are you doing here??"

Yuri: "I came to visit my future husband of course."

Taeyong: "Well I got some news for you...I'm not the one marrying you."

Yuri: "Wait...WHAT?! If it's not you then it's Mark! Eww I don't wanna marry him!"

Mark: "Good because I don't wanna marry you either! But it's not me..."

Me: "Excuse you don't you dare say Eww to my brother and friends!"

Irene: "And who do you think you are speaking so loudly."

Ten, Yuta, Winwin, Jaehyun and Johnny: "She's our friend!"

Jaemin & Chenle and Jisung: "Shes our Noona!"

Lucas: "She's my loving sister!!"

Taeyong: "Shes my girlfriend!! So back off!!!"

Wendy: "Eww you are dating this ugly slut?!"

Jisung & Taeyong and Lucas: "What did you call her?!"

Jisung: "Who do you think you are calling my Noona a slut?!"

Lucas: "Who the h*ll do you think you are calling my sister a slut?! You girls are the slut not her?!"

Taeyong: "What?! Did you call my girlfriend?! You girl are the sluts here not her?! I feel bad for whoever gonna be your future husband / Boyfriend...especially my brother..."

He said that last part quietly. And then I stood up and said...

Me: "You sluts!! Don't call me a sluts since you are one yourselves too! And get your asses away from my friends and family!!!"

After I said that Yuri and the girls left angrily. The others besides Lucas were shocked because I defended myself and them. I smiled and then Lucas said...

Lucas: "See I told you she can defend herself it's just that she doesn't want to show them in front of you guys. But the fact is whenever someone calls her and or someone she loves something mean that anger builds up and yeah that happens."

Ten: "Wow! Thanks for defending us!"

Me: "Of Course! I'll always be happy to defend you guys."

Everyone: "We love you!"

Me: "I love you all too."

After I said that Taeyong kissed my forehead and I blushed. And we sat down and started talking again. After a few hours, we all were about to go lunch I said...

Me: "Instead of eating can I go to the roof to get some fresh air?"

Lucas: "Are you sure?"

Me: "I just need some air please?"

Taeyong: "Okay But me, Jisung and Chenle are going with you."

Me: "Okay."

Jisung & Chenle: "Yes we get to go with Noona for once."

Me: "Haha cute!"

Jaemin: "Aww I wanna come tooo."

Me & Taeyong: "Okay Okay Nana you can come too."

The Prince and the Butterfly ~ NCT Taeyong  {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now