I have been tagged

39 4 13

hello peoples, I have been tagged by KarlheinzPapamaki so eh lets do this

hello peoples, I have been tagged by KarlheinzPapamaki so eh lets do this

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1. Its complicated (I like him but I don't)

2. Pretty sure he doesn't like me

3. Shahamun

4. Single

5. My bff Nicole

6. Candy by Doja Cat

7. 83%

8. Nicole (doesnt have an account)

9. Uh I don't really have a boy best friend, since I talk to a lot of boys anyways but uh my friend ugeiboi

10. Reigisa (Rei x Nagisa from Free!)

11. I wanted to write stories to improve my writing skillz



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13. November 9th

(Im too lazy to tag people) Edit: iM TAGGING YA'LL

Creepypasta_Otakention a user

aNnnD thats all I got because I tagged a lot of people beforehand

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