Prolouge Part 2

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Mystery POV:
(But please we all know who it is)

I ran..... hearing those words repeat in my head echoing and repeating the same words over and over the words I never wanted to hear.

"I'm sorry, but you must go back to Earth."

I kept running. As I ran ice followed me. As I ran the memories haunted me. As I ran I cried.

And when I stopped running I fell to the ground, the water on the ground seeped into my pants.

I wasn't ready. No amount of time will ever be enough.

Third Person POV:

The black haired boy sat on the cold ground.

He cried as he winds blew against him sharp and painful winds. His walls broke. And he wasn't ready. What happened many many years ago haunted him.

He thought over and over that they might not be there anymore.

Yet it wasn't the mere thought of all the betrayal and seeing his old friends that hurt him. It wasn't the thought of seeing the seven nor the thought of seeing the father who disowned him.

No....... it was the thought of seeing his ex-lover the girl he thought he'd love forever. This girl... was the one and only Annabeth Chase.

And this boy who sat crying and who called himself Winter was the once famous once loved once loyal Percy Jackson.

Though this boy is no longer loyal and yet still loved and famous. And the girl is no longer his lover.

For what happened many years ago broke away Percy's trust. What happened many years ago broke Percy himself and what happened many years ago shall never be forgiven by Percy or will it?

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