part 7: shane's birthday party

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I woke up the next day on colton's bed. I saw colton sleeping next to me like an angel so i decided to look at him. " like what you see" colton said. I was shocked how did he know I was looking at him.

" good morning baby" colton said rubbing eyes and smiled.

" good morning to you too" I said and was about to get out of the the bed but he pulled me back to him and huged me.

" stay.... I wanna sleep more...." colton said

" colton we need to wake up..... my friends are waiting for us" I said now standing on his side of the bed.

" fine... but you have to promise me something.... There is this party one of my betas is doing.... For his son's birthday so do you want to come with me??" colton said and I looked at him for a second.

" I have nothing to wear...." I said

" it's ok you can wear one of my sisters clothes."

"you have a sister???!!... you didn't tell me!!" I said to colton shocked

" hahaha honey this birthday party is for her son hahaha" colton said laughing so hard.

" colton....I so hate you!!" I said to him and hitting him so hard and pulling him off of the bed.

" come on let me introduce you to her" colton said holding my hand and walking away from colton's bedroom to the end of the hole way. colton nocked on the door and entered the room.

" Alpha... good morning" someone said

" good morning Bro.... luna" a girl said, I think it was his sister.

" good morning everyone.... alex here wants to meet you and the little monster. colton said

" I am charoline.." colton's sister said and pulling her husband infront of me. " and this is next my husband...." she finished.

then colton came from behind me holding a small boy " and this is the little monster, Shane..." colton said and giving him to me.

" hello there little one.... how old are you??" I said looking at charoline

" he is 2 years old...." she said making him his milk"

" you are so small.... do you want to go to mommy?? Here you go..." handing him to his mother.

I turned to colton to see him smiling at me. " colton what is a luna??" I ask and everyone looked at me. " luna is to be the future female alpha.... when colton and you marry someday you..." charoline was interrupted by colton

" I will explain it to you later.... now come with me downstairs..." looking at charoline and his eyes hold a lot of anger.

I hold colton's hand and went downstairs with him. There we saw my friends a wake and waiting for us. " Alexandra Henderson!!! you left us to sleep in the living room!!!" Elaina said and I looked at colton and we both laughed. " come on I will make it up for you guys.... I will make you all pancakes!!!" I shouted and we all went to the kitchen. I made them the most amazing pancakes my mom used to do it for me everyday I go to school.

After everyone finished my friends went home, colton said that it is safe for my friends to leave. After that I went with colton to his office watching him while he worked. He looked really serious when he worked then Charoline came in.

" hey big Bro you don't mind if I toke alex here to the mall she has to look good for my son's birthday party" charoline said and smiled waiting for colton to say yes.

colton looked at her for a second then look at me. " fine she can go with you... oh and charoline... take care of her" colton said and I was so happy I was getting really bored here plus I could really need some clothes if I wanted to stay here. I walked to colton kissed him on his checks then went out with charoline.

We finally arrived to the mall. We first went to find some dresses. I found a dark blue short dress. It had short sleeves and black belt. charoline found a long backless red dress that had a white belt attached to her waist then we went to another shop for some clothes and things I would need them later on then we went to the toys shop for shane's birthday then we came back home.

It is 5 pm now and I have to get ready for the party so I went to colton's bedroom to change. I took a shower then wore my blue dress and I fixed my hair and wore my black heel then went downstairs.

I looked for colton everywhere but I couldn't find him so I went to the living room. I saw nick, Jason, colton's betas and charoline with her son all dressed up and ready.

" hi everyone" I said entering the living room. " hey luna... are you ready to go??" Jason said. " yes but where is colton??" I said moving my head left and right to see him. " umm colton is in his house cause the party is going to be in his house" nick said and we all went out to colton's house.

when we reached colton's house I could hear loud music and children screaming. I entered the house to the garden where everyone was there. The place was awesome there was servants walking everywhere giving food to everyone. There was also children playing and running all around the house and people talking with each other. I couldn't find colton anywhere so I decided to wait for him next to the wine table.

while I was drinking the wine someone came from behind me. "hey luna...." it was max colton's brother!!!!.....

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