part 2: the unbelievable truth

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After 20 minutes of driving we finally reached colton's house. The house was huge it is two floors and has a garden around it. colton stopped the car in the garage and we got out of the car to the front of the door. colton opened the door and told me to get in first. The house from the inside looked marvellous. The living room was on my left it was huge and had a big TV and large sofa around it. The stairs were to my right and straight ahead was the bathroom and a small kitchen. colton invited me to his living room and told me to sit a wait for him while he goes to change his clothes.

After one minute he came back. " do you want to drink something??" colton said his smile not fading. " no thanks, did your friends found my friends ??" I was getting really worried about them. " no still, don't worry they will find them I promise" colton said getting closer and closer to me I pulled way but he kept getting closer until his face was next to mine. " Alex, you like so beautiful I can't take my eyes off of you" I felt his eyes are filled with wants and desire and with that he started to kiss me and I found my lips moving again his we started to get real passionate and just felt right. He got over me started to kiss me everywhere until he reached my neck. when he reached my neck he took a deep breath then bit my neck. " owch what the hell!!!! did you just bit me??" I looked at colton confused but he did not show any sign of regret in fact there was a smile on his face. " yes.... but I can explain.... you see I ......" we were badly interrupted by someone who just entered. "Alpha we found the girls we have just put them in one of the packs room.... you see they were attacked by a rouge and they are in the medical room now"

I felt like someone put a knife in my heart. "what!!??, what happened!!!?? what is a rouge??? what is he talking about?? Take me to them" I was panking again and this time I have really lost it I don't know what is going on the men next to me just bit me my friends are attached by god knows what and I feel like I am having a really bad dream.

"calm down Alex I will explain everything for you baby, come with me now I will let you see your friends" I was in shock and very angry so I decided to go with him because I really want to see my best friends and to know what is going on with them. We went walking to another house which is called pack house and it only took 2 minutes after we reached the house, the house was big but not like colton's house it only consists of one floor.

We got inside the house pass by the living room where there were few people playing vedio games and when we reached to them they started to greet him and bowing infront of him. After the living room straight ahead was a small room this room has a stairs which only goes down there was also another room that reads medical room. when colton opened the door there was two beds one had Allison on it and the other was Elaina they were both unconscious and a blood bag was inserted into there body. "omg!!! what just happened to them who the hell did that" I looked back at the doctor who was still checking on them "are they going to be ok?? what happened to them?? are they doing to live??" I tried to calm down so I don't start to pank infront of the doctor. "yes they are now ok and they will be much better once they have a good sleep" the doctor said trying to smile so I won't pank again. "you mean they have to stay here for the night?? we will not send them to a hospital near by??" " no, no need for a hospital they will be much better in the morning, you should get some sleep don't worry I will send my assistant to check on them every 5 minutes" and with that he just left the room.

" hey come let us go to sleep... but if you want we will have different rooms to sleep in" colton said but I just ignore him and sat on a chair while crossing my arms. " I will not go anywhere with you until you explain to me who the hell are you and what is going on??" I waited for his reply for about 2 minutes and then he finally spoke. " ok.... fine.... I am going to tell you everything but I want you to promise me to calm down and to not pank, is that understood??" " yes I promise you to not freak out but you should explain everything and don't leave anything" I said to him while pointing my finger on him. "ok here it goes... I am a werewolf...." colton started but I interrupted him.

"your a werewolf??!!....." I was in shock I couldn't believe him I mean what does he thinks I am.... stupid???.

"yes I am a werewolf don't interrupt next time. I know that you don't believe me right now but bare with me now and then I will prove it. I was born a werewolf, parents are too um.... There is something called Alpha and betas. I am an alpha and and alphas are so strong, stronger then betas. betas are who follow Alpha's command they must not disobey an Alpha. um.... now about that bite, I bit you because you are my mate. now there is this thing that every werewolf have, a mate, which is like a soul mate, someone who is distant to be together and forever.

" so..... We are distant to be together??"

"yes, your mine forever and....." I interrupted him again.

" prove it..... I am sorry but this all it doesn't feels right, I feel like you are a liar who thinks I am stupid enough to believe this... you know what I am leaving you, you are...." before I finish my sentence and leave, colton just shifted to a werewolf a fucking werewolf!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes I wanted to scream.... I wanted to pank... to do something but I just stood there looking at him getting closer to me until he was next to my leg. I get down and went closer to him and rubbed his fur. "y-you are beautiful.......This is unbelievable!!!...." for some reason I just pulled away from him and went so far and hide next to the corner of the wall. I thought since he is a wolf now that he might hurt me or kill me. before I know it colton just shifted back into human form and went behind the curtains to wear his clothes.

" don't be afraid of me baby, I just wanted to prove to you that I am not a liar I will never lie to you or hurt you because I love you so much baby girl and I will do anything for you.... I know this is a lot to handdle but this is who I am... are you ok hun??" wow I must be dreaming did I just saw an incredible, amazing men turn into a wolf??... Of course you did snap a out of it...I think I am in love with a werewolf...

"um.... yes I am fine I am just sleepy and tired I just want to sleep can we go sleep??" I just want to sleep and relax before hearing Any other thing that could lead me to faint.

"um.... yes we can I just made my pack members to set up a room for you, do you want me to lead you to your room??"

"yes plz...." we then left the medical room and went upstairs where there were the living room we pass by it then went to a room in the end of the hole way and then entered the room and with that I just fell into a deep deep sleep.

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