part 4: knowing more about werewolfs

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We arrived to my house in 20 minutes. my friends were really tired so colton helped me put my friends in my bedroom then colton and I left the room and went to my living room.

"do you want to drink anything.... like blood or something??" I asked colton. The truth is that I am still new at this werewolf thing so I don't know if they drink blood or just a normal juice and I don't know what they eat...They might like to eat human flesh... omg what if he wanted to hurt me??.

"nooo baby, we don't drink blood just a normal water will do" colton said looking at me and laughing really hard. so I went to the kitchen and got him the water and gave it to him.

"sooo.... I want to ask you something about this werewolf thing??" I ask still not sure if i want to know more about this topic because it is freaking me out!!!. "umm... ask, anything...." and he put his glass of water on the table before engulfing it.

"well.... I want to know what is this bite mark on my neck.... I mean is it going to disappear or not and if I am going to turn into a werewolf or not.... because the bite mark really hurts. colton looked at me for 2 minutes he had a seriousness written all over his face. "this bite I gave you... umm it is only to make you mine forever.... In other words to make us one.... umm and no it does not make you a werewolf don't worry...." colton said then kissed my forehead.

"oh... but it really hurts....." pointing my finger on it. Then out of nowhere colton came next to me getting closer then lick my neck where the mark is. All of a sudden the bite didn't hurt anymore in fact it felt really good. "umm colton....." pushing him away from me. " what did you just do....The pain is gone!!!" I looked at him and he smiled.

"come on let's go" colton said while pulling me the the door. " where are we doing??" trying to pull away from him. "it is a surprise!!!"

"no way!!!, tell me where??" I was so excited jumping up and down, didn't I tell you I love surprises. "come on get in the car" colton said already out side because colton kept pushing me." what about my friends, shouldn't we tell them" "nah.... no need they will figure it out" pointing his finger up to my bedroom windows. my friends were watching us, smiling and waving good bye to us.

I got to his car and we left. After 30 minutes of driving. "are we there yet??" I was really getting bored specially when you don't have anything to say to someone who you just meet. "are you bored already??" looking at me confuse, I guess by the way he looked at me that this place is so far away. " yes, how long until we reach to that place. " just few more minutes, baby" colton said holding my hand up to his lips and kissing it.

After 20 minutes when finally reached. We arrived to a beach house. It was so big, huge, it has two floors and a garden. The place was awesome. when we got out of the car, colton hold my hand and walked to the house. All the way to the house I was looking at colton with a confused look but he only kept smiling.

We entered the house, the house was perfect. There was glass windows all around the house. on the ground floor there was only the living room and the kitchen and stairs of course. The living room was on my left, the kitchen was on my right and the stairs was straight ahead.

" colton this place is awesome!!!.." and with that I huged colton and jumped up and down. "make yourself at home I will put those bags upstairs ok huney??" colton said and kissed my checks before going up. I just wanted to check out the place so I walked to the living room and then straight to the balcony opened it then when outside.

The beach was amazing... so blue, the wind bow my hair and the sun was shining. All I wanted to do is to swim right now. colton came from behind me and huged me. "did you love this place??" colton said and kissed my checks again. "it is amazing!!!!.... is this place yours????" "yeah.... It is actually my mom's my dad gave it for her on the day they got married like a wedding gift but she gave it to me before she die....".

"ohh colton I am so sorry..."

"it is ok it was long time ago..." colton said trying to smile."they both died in a car accident" he finally finished and there was a tear in his face. I felt really bad for him so I huged him and place my face on his chest and he huged me back.

"umm colton is your parents both.... I mean we're they both werewolf...." pulled away from him to see his face. "yes babe.... I was born a werewolf.... I mean you discover your werewolf when you are like 15 or 16.... come on let's go inside the sun is down , are you hungry??"

"mmm.....yeah!!!". so we went back to the house and to the kitchen.

"what do you want to eat??" colton asked

"do we have food here?? I asked confused who brought food here??

" yes I told my friends to pack me some food and clothes for me and you" colton said.

"wow you came prepared!!!!" he really knows how to make someone happy.

"ok what do we have.... ummm mac and cheese my favourite.... ummm we also have red wine....." I said looking inside the bag while colton fix up the table.

we prepared everything and then sat down to eat. We eat, drank, laughed and decided to watch a movie so we cleaned up and went to the living room.

" now let's see.... what kind of movies do you like???" I asked colton

" about this...??" he pointed on a scary movie.

"noooo way I am not watching this...." I shocked head and went to choose another movie.

"hahaha.... why not...???" colton started to laugh at me.

"I think you you why.... I am so scared of scary movies.... It called scary so that is why it is scary.

"hahaha... come on it is not that bad..... come here you can huge me whenever you are scared.

so we played the movie and we started to watch. colton huged me with one arm and whenever I get scared I would hid and put my face on his chest until I fall asleep on his chest.....

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