"Breathe, Percy, please," Will's voice played in the back of his mind.

He was...overwhelmed. But he still did his best to copy the younger boy's breathing patterns as the intensity of his memories began to die down. The yelling slowly turned into a slight hum, and the images turned back into his surroundings. He choked back tears, refusing to have multiple breakdowns at the same time.

Will spoke again, "Percy, can you hear me?"

The older of the two weakly nodded, still staring off at the far wall. The blonde took that as a cue to keep going, "Tell me five things you can see."

Percy swallowed, taking a breath before hoarsely whispering, "You, the beds...the window, the door, that...stupid hole in the wall."

"Good," Will responded calmly, slowly sitting next to Percy, "Four things you can feel?"

Percy blinked at Will's request, not necessarily seeing how his questions helped, but answered anyway, "My clothes, the sheets, the bed frame, the wall."

The two teens continued with the other three senses: three things he could hear, two he could smell, and one he could taste. By the end, Percy was slightly calmed down and had mentally returned to the real world.

"My dad's a doctor," Will started talking again, "So he's taught me all kinds of things like that. Actually, that one's from the Internet, but you get the point. He used to take me to work every once in a while when I was younger. Told me stories when he came home every day. I would've loved to go into the medical field."

"Why can't you?" Percy asked quietly.

Will smiled sadly at him. "Criminal record. I guess if I really tried I could find a university to go to, but it'd probably take some digging."

Percy nodded before changing topics in a still meek tone of voice, "I'm sorry...for just now. "

"No, don't apologize," Will quickly replied, "I should, though, because I didn't realize physical contact wasn't something that helped you, and I shouldn't have just assumed because I might have just made it worse and–"

"It's fine," Percy cut him off, sighing, "I just...I don't know. Those don't happen a lot, I promise. At least, not recently. I just have...stupid triggers."

"They aren't stupid," Will assured him, "You don't know me too well, Percy, but if you need to talk about it or just need to rant, I'm...across the room."

"Thank you," Percy paused, "Is that offer available right now?"

"No," Will answered in an obviously sarcastic tone, "I'm just going to take away the choice I gave you ten seconds ago...but seriously, do continue."

Percy nodded. "Uh, so...anxiety, maybe PTSD earlier. I've been in and out of this detention system since I was twelve. Right now it's for vandalism and, I think, some kind of physical assault thing. I don't remember what happened that night, and the police don't believe me about that. It is what it is though, I guess."

Will gestured for him to continue, and so he did, "First time, my record says manslaughter. In between then and now, I was a...a, um, murder accessory."

The blonde furrowed his eyebrows. "Your record says?"

Percy shrugged, knowing what he was asking. "I didn't kill anyone at twelve, Solace, accidental or not. But I'm not upset that the guy is gone."

"Is it safe to ask about the second person?" Will asked cautiously.

The older of the two took a breath. "It was Nico's sister. Some guy I was...'friends' with pulled me into it. I...I do remember that night, and I wish I didn't."

"Does Nico know?"

Percy nodded. "He found out a while ago. It took a couple tries to get through to him, but I think we're fine now."

"I would assume so," Will replied, "considering he came from Manhattan to visit you."

Percy smiled faintly at that statement. "He's...dedicated."

"Well," Will began, "he's a keeper, whether that's as your friend or something else."

"Trust me, I know."

Well hello.

Happy early Thanksgiving to my American folks! Enjoy your food and shopping if y'all do Black Friday or cyber Monday or all that jazz.

Have a wonderful week.

Alone Again (Percico/Pernico AU)Where stories live. Discover now