Chapter 9

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burning desire
chapter 9
|| dangerous pt 2 ||

Lance smirked impressed. "shame gremlin" Pidge poked her tongue out and sipped at her smoothie. Allura and Romelle were the first to leave followed by Hunk and Shay. Leaving Matt, Pidge, Lance and Keith alone at the table. Keith smiled at Lance and stuck his tongue out back at Pidge, humming quietly and daring to take a sip of the espresso. He scrunched his face up slightly and hid his disgust in Lance's shoulder.

Lance kissed the top of Keith's head "you don't have to drink it you weirdo" he whispered holding back his laughter at Keith's cute attempt to hide his disgust. Keith glared at the drink and pushed it away with a quiet huff. "We should get going" Matt stood pushing his chair in waiting for Pidge. Lance nodded as Pidge sat still glaring "I'll meet you in the car Matt" he nodded waving goodbye. Lance raised an eyebrow "what do you want you little gremlin".

When Keith was sure that Matt was gone, he sighed and sat up a bit, stretching. Pidge folded her arms "I just wanna talk with Keith.." Lance looked between Keith and Pidge "Why" his small friend adjusted her glasses "I just wanna have a friendly chat with the demon that ultimately owns you".

Keith sighed and sat up completely, gently shooing Lance off. "It'll be fine" he hummed. Lance grumbled pouting "fine I'll go find Matt" sulking Lance walked off. "so" Pidge started "you're Keith..." Keith hummed and waved him off and turned to Pidge. "I am Keith". Pidge hummed tilting her head "I just wanna tell you right now that if you hurt him I swear I'll end you".

Keith raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm not allowed to hurt him, he's in love with me and I'm not allowed to take his soul anymore so I don't think either of us should be worried". Pidge blinked "you're fucking kidding me right... he's not in love with you he's just... delusional". Keith raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "We're already bound until he dies. There's no way to break this, even if he is just, 'delusional' "

Pidge thought for a second "I know how that shit works... I could make your life hell" Keith raised an eyebrow. "Oh?". The smaller of the two crossed her arms "yeah I've got a few tricks up my sleeve so just watch yourself" Pidge raised an eyebrow at Keith. Keith sighed and nodded. "Right then..." He puffed out his cheeks and tried taking another sip of the espresso, scrunching up his face and putting it far away. Pidge stood abruptly "I know what to do" she then proceeded off to Matt's car where he and Lance were just chatting casually.

Keith blinked and shuffled to Lance, hugging his arm and intertwining their fingers. "Pidge scares me...". Lance tilted his head "yeah me too" Matt and Pidge shared a glance before Matt spoke. "I'll drop you two off seeing as Hunk and Shay ditched" Lance groaned "I totally forgot I didn't drive here, hm thanks Matt". Keith sighed quietly and puffed out his cheeks a bit. Matt smiled and waved Lance off. "No worries, man."

Lance squeezed Keith's hand "come on moody let's go home" Lance lead Keith to Matt's grey Holden hopping in and waiting for Keith to do the same. Keith looked at him and nodded, slowly sliding into the car, looking around. He chose to refrain from commenting on the car and just looked outside the window.

The whole car ride back Matt and Lance laughed about the waitresses attempt at getting Lance's number. "that shit only ever happens if you're taken dude" Matt smirked keeping his eyes on the road. Lance scoffed "I know it's so strange honestly". The two laughed amongst themselves while Pidge sat in the front scheming away. Keith kept his eyes on Pidge's back, narrowing his eyes at her. He huffed quietly and leaned against Lance.

Lance smiled over at Keith, it was all he'd been able to do all day. He was genuinely happy for once. Matt pulled into Lance's driveway "here you go my dudes, it was nice meeting you Keith it'd be nice to see you again" Pidge snorted "don't count on it" Lance frowned at Pidge but ignored her comment hopping out of the car.

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