Chapter 6

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burning desire
chapter 6
|| a thoughtful kiss ||
[ Lance ]

When Lance thought Keith was going to kiss him he was thrown off guard flinching away. Keith cleared his throat and looked around the room instead, staring at a few pictures. "who are they?"

Lance looked at the few pictures he had hanging up. "family...the one with the short gremlin and big soft looking guy is of me and my friends Pidge and Hunk". Keith tilted his head moving to examine the pictures closely. "you are close with your family? very close?" He nodded "yeah we always have been"

"oh..." Keith nodded once, tracing over the faces in one of the pictures. Lance held his bruised ribs looking over at Keith "what's your relationship with Shiro like?". Keith slowly turned his attention back to Lance "He's my brother..." he shrugged. Lance sat up whimpering quietly "y..yeah I know but like, are you two close? give me details"

Keith brushed off the question "are your ribs hurting again? I can go ask your sister for ice if you need it". Lance groaned laying down "I'm fine!... why won't you answer my question don't you physically have to do anything I say?" Keith sighed walking over. "fine- it's fine. Nothing special like what you have with your siblings. Shiro is busy a lot".

Lance tilted his head "doing what?" Keith shrugged "I dunno, demon stuff he has his own life and all". Lance decided to drop the subject Keith was clearly uninterested "oh" was all he said looking at his ceiling again.

Keith nodded "Tell me about your other siblings". Lance's face scrunched up in thought "I dunno what to say, Rachel and I like to have matching clothes and pretend we're twins...Marco and Luis have always been my typical big overprotective bothers and you know V..."

Keith nodded, slower this time absorbing the information. "And I'm supposed to avoid Veronica?" Lance scoffed "I mean unless you wanna be bombarded with her annoying questions" Keith scrunched up his face "I'll pass"

Lance chuckled slightly "thank you again for saving my ass". Keith smiled faintly and nodded "it's my job to keep you safe, no need to thank me" Lance's smiled faltered "oh yeah... cause otherwise you won't get a juicy soul right?"

Keith tilted his head "I mean...I'm not just gonna let you die for no reason either. I'm not that bad" he frowned. Lance smiled again though not quite as brightly "hm thanks buddy". Keith blinked and nodded still smiling "mhm"

Lance looked at Keith before standing up and walking up to him. Keith tilted his head at him, lowering himself so he stood completely on the ground instead of floating. Lance reached up and cupped Keith's cheek.

Keith stared at him, leaning into Lance's touch slightly. Lance stared back looking for something, anything but Keith's eyes held the same mystery they always had. Keith watched Lance's face eyes narrowing only slightly.

Lance held one hand on Keith's chest while stilling cupping his cheek with his other hand. Breaking his eye contact with Keith he looked at the taller boys chest. 'what is this' Lance thought to himself referring to their relationship, if he could even call it that.

Keith raised an eyebrow at Lance, seemingly enjoying the moment, even just a little bit. Once Lance broke eye contact he let his eyes wander around the room again. Lance let his hand drop from Keith's face instead leaning into him.

Keith tilted his head and wrapped his arms around Lance's middle. Lance sighed softly "how the fuck did I get into this situation" Keith scoffed "I believe it was your friend Pidge's fault-" Lance laughed quietly "oh yeah..."

Keith grinned proudly and nodded. Lance looked up at Keith and rolled his eyes "don't look so smug" Keith frowned slightly "I was merely stating facts"

burning desire || klance auWhere stories live. Discover now