Chapter Ten - Commune

Start from the beginning

Kat stared at him, confused.

"It makes him sad coming here, my Calhoun, makes him sad. It must be the view." He muttered, wringing his hands.

"Are you his friend?" He considered Kat brightly.

"I'm Kat."

"Nice to meet you, Kat. I'm Wyatt. Alpha of ImperialMoon. Uh- I was. I think my son is now."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."

He waved Kat down, chuckling, "No formalities with me, dear. Now, what are your intentions with my son? I am desperate for him to find his m- m- mate."

At the last word, his kind eyes rolled into the back of his head, his breath coming in gasps.

He let out a guttural scream.

"BRIANA!" he reached towards Kat, shaking.


"I- I'm not-" Kat stood up, backing away from him.

Cal came running into the room, putting three cups of tea on the table and gripping his father's shoulders.

"She's not here, Father! She's gone, long gone, her pain is over."

Cal shook his father hard, Wyatt's eyes glazed over and returned to normal.

He looked shocked at Cal's proximity.

"What are you doing, Calhoun? Did you make the tea?"

Cal released him, nodding. Wyatt sat as Cal passed him a cup.

Kat sat back down across from the broken man, she looked at Cal as he settled beside her.

She understood. His mother was dead, his father's mate, gone. His father was a broken man, a broken wolf, an unfit leader, half of his soul, ripped away, never to return.

"It's like standing on the edge of a cliff at midnight. On the edge of an endless void. The Moon has left me, I stare out into the darkness, unseeing. I know if I jump I'll die. I call out to my love, but she isn't there. So I try to jump, to join her, but I can't. I've begged Calhoun to kill me." Wyatt's voice is small, haunted.

Cal grunt's in disgust, "You can stop asking."

Wyatt sipped his tea, "You'd prefer me this way?"

Cal growled, "I prefer you alive, in whatever form that takes."

Cal crashes his mug against the table. "I think it's time to go."

"No, please, I didn't get to know your friend, Kat is it? Please Kat, stay a while, I don't have many visitors-" Wyatt frowned, "Just Calhoun, really."

"Maybe next week, Father." Cal sighed, taking the mugs back out to the kitchen.

Kat took Wyatt's cold hand, covering it with her warmth, "I'll see you again, soon." She said, heart breaking for Cal, and his father.

"Yes, dear, see you soon." He smiled, eyes glazed.

"Bye, Dad." Cal gave his father a bracing hug and moved towards the door.

"Don't be late now!" Wyatt called, as they walked down his garden, "Your mother is making your favourite, slaving away in the kitchen! I want you back here by dinner time, alright?"

Cal nodded sadly, "Yeah, Dad, I won't be late."

Wyatt smiled happily and went back inside.

Kat looked at Cal, eye's wide in horror.

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