a letter,

18 3 0

When I look into your eyes

I fall

deeply, oh so deeply

into a pit of misery

my heart yearns

for a love

I don't need,

especially from someone like you

not that you are bad, no you're not bad at all,

its all just me

a girl, so broken, so full of pain

a pain that tends to bring others down

if you were to know the true me,

you would see, I am definitely

not cut out

to be your love

so yes, we can tangle

we can flirt

and yes we can kiss

but as of right now,

that is the only bliss I wish

as I try to fix myself

without bringing you down

maybe one day, we can be more

but as of right now,

if you are looking for a relationship

just skim right over me

for I am not meant to be

the girl

you show off

and wake up to in your bed

she is not me

and I am not she

maybe one day,

you see

but as of right now

just let me be me

and not a we

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