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I met you years ago, barely knowing what to do or who to be

living life in a daydream

believing in all things make believe

I was a fairy princess, needing saving by a knight in shining armor

hiding who he truly was,

a fairy loved by an friendly queen was I,

she, hidden by a beautiful eye,

that queen being unbelievable desire and dreams

yet I didn't know, who she truly was

we grew up sided by side, that evil queen, glorious Knight and me,

playing games of make believe and feeling absolutely free

The older we grew, the more I fell in love with that knight,

the queen, kind of egging me, out of curiosity

then one day he flew away,

that queen sticking by my side, keeping my hope with me

helping me push through, just to laugh behind my back at my childly love for an evil knight

they worked together, tricking me, that knight not purposefully

my memories of us just becoming dreams

me, left with tired wings

then again my knight pushed through, just as I was getting over him

heartstring songs playing slowly, our make believe love rustling the leaves in the trees,

that queen, tugging at our hearts, yearning for our pain to burst.

dreams becoming memories

as my knight came back to me,

restoring my wings

and my make believe dreams

till a mission drove him away,

dragons and goblins surrounding me

crushing me

the queen laughing cruelly

egging her minions on to destroy me

crushing my dreams

I flew to him as time drew near

flying quickly without fear

just to see another fairy in my place

him crowning her the love of his dreams,

the queen I thought was my friend laughed wickedly

as she tore out my wings

laughing as I fell

tearing my soul with images of my knight and his fairy, as I fell




just to be crushed

by a couple truly in love.

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