Chapter 18: The tides are turning

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"What have you been up to after the attack?" Ms.Zoroark asked Ace
"When we found out what happened, we fled. Shadow and I made our way to Silver town. Once we were there, we found out there is a society working on solving the problem of the attacks. We joined them. And that's pretty much it," Ace told his new mom. It still seemed unreal to call her that. He had had so little time to get to know her.  But there were more pressing matters now.
"Is there any hope at finding a way out there must be one. After all your husband found it," Ace asked
"We haven't been able to find it yet," Ms.Zoroark responded
Ace opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut short by the ground trembling. Ace looked around confused.
"What was that....." he asked alarmed. H/e got to his feet and ran outside the cave to take a look. He saw a gigantic shadow flying overhead. It was a massive bird-like creature. Ace hadn't seemed it before, but he knew who it was, Yveltal. Then he saw a bright golden light shining. Its source was mere steps away from Ace. It looked like a golden orb. When Ace got closer, the light started sucking him in. More pokémon started to appear outside the cave
"Help," Ace yelled but to no avail. Before anyone could react, he got entirely pulled in. He felt a strange sensation in his body. But the light was too bright. Ace couldn't hold on he passed out.

Ace shot up. Panicking as he didn't immediately recognize his surrounding. He was in the infirmary of the headquarters. He calmed down. He closed his eyes and tried to remember how he ended up here. At first, his mind was hazy. Then it all came flooding back to him. Ace was smart enough to know that he had some critical information for Dewott. He wanted to go look for Shadow first, but he knew that telling Dewott this was way more important. He jumped out off bed. A nurse came in to see what was going on.
"Hey, you can't leave like that," She said. Ace ignored her. He ran right past her and made his way to Dewott's office. Without knocking on the door, the barged in. He saw Dewott sitting behind his desk
"Ace your back. Have you forgotten how to knock?" Dewott asked surprised at Ace's sudden arrival
"I am sorry sir. But you need to hear this. I know who is behind the attacks," Ace said
"" Dewott asked perplexed.
"I was in the place where Pokémon go after they get attacked when it came flying trough some kind of portal. It was Yveltal."
"Yveltal!?! If that is true, we are in big trouble. Are you absolutely sure that it was him?" Dewott asked
"Yes, sir. And by the looks of it, it's almost ready to attack. And something tells me that this town is his next target," Ace said
"I have to notify the others," Dewott said before rushing off.
A few minutes past. Ace just stood in the office. Then he heard screams outside. He wasted no time to go outside. When he arrived, a small crowd had gathered on the town square. They were looking to the horizon. Ace followed their gaze and was horrified by what he saw.
"Oh no," he gasped


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