Chapter 12 What's next?

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"Excuse me. But could you tell me if these are the headquarters of the society that tries to find out what is happening in the villages around the region?" Ace asked the guard that was standing outside the large building.
"They sure are. Can I help you kid?" The guard asked squatting down to get on eye level with Ace.
"Uhm yes. You see we came from a village that was attacked five days ago. At the time of the attack, we were not in the village, so we managed to escape. As far as I know, we were the only ones to make it out of there..." Ace told the guard
"Say no more our leader will want to speak to you personally please follow me." The guard said, and he went inside the building. Ace and Shadow shot a quick look at each other before following the guard.

The guard took them to a room on the second floor and told them to wait outside while he was going to notify their leader. After about two minutes he came out of the room.
"The leader will now see you," He said before returning to his post. Ace and Shadow hesitantly entered the room. A cheerful looking Dewott greeted them.
"Hello. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dewott I am the leader of this society. I was told that you two escaped an attack on a village five days ago. Is that correct?" He said.
"Yes sir that would be correct," Ace said. Tears welled up in Shadow's eyes
"I'm sorry I can't do this. I'll wait outside," And she swiftly exited the room.
"My my will she be okay," Dewott asked concerned.
"I think she will. She hasn't quite accepted what happened back there," Ace said
"Would you mind explaining what happened to you two?" Dewott asked. Ace told the Dewott everything that had happened including the fact that he was human and that Arceus had told him to come to society.
"I see. So you are the help that Arceus send. Well, Ace thank you for coming here. You must be tired. I will arrange a room for you two to rest. We will discuss what's next once you two have had a proper rest," the Dewott said. He then led the two kids to a room which contained two beds.

"So what are we going to do now?" Shadow sighed
"For now I think we should try to help out the society. It's our best bet on finding out how to get everyone back," Ace said
"I guess you're right as always," Shadow said. Ace could sense the intense sadness that emanated from Shadow. So he got up.
"Let's go find some food. I am famished," He said trying to get Shadow's mind off the attack. At the mention of food, Shadow noticed how hungry she was. She chuckled
"I think my stomach agrees with you Ace," her aura was now a bit less sad. The two of them went looking from the kitchen.

After a delicious meal provided by the kitchens, Shadow wanted to explore the city some more. Ace agreed to this, and the left the headquarters. Together they wandered around the city seeing all kinds of stuff they had never seen before. And before they knew it, it was getting late. They went back to their assigned room in the headquarters.
"Isn't this place great Ace," Shadow said happily.
"It sure is awesome. There is so much to see and do. But I'm drained now. Let's try to get some sleep."Ace replied. He curled up on his bed and fell asleep almost instantly. Shadow quickly followed his example and fell asleep as well.

Later that night, a lonely figure could be seen stumbling towards the city.
"I finally made it." He groaned. He entered the city and stumbled through the empty streets. He made his way toward the headquarters.
"Stop right there. Who are you and what do you want?" the guard in front of the building asked.
"I......." The figure tried to say but got no further as he collapsed from exhaustion.
The guard rushed toward the figure
"I need some help here!" he yelled to his fellow guards. And with the help of three other guards, he carried the figure to the infirmary.

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