Chapter 11 To silver town we go

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When Ace woke up the next morning, he saw Shadow sitting at the edge of the river that was streaming close by. He stood up and walked over to her. When he was next to her, he sat down. He put his arms around her, and she laid her head on his shoulder.
"Are you okay?" Ace asked. At first, Shadow did not reply. But right when Ace wanted to ask again. Shadow opened her mouth:
"To be honest, not really. Everything has been happening so fast. Lately, I can't keep up with it. And now this happens. At least I have still got you." Shadow sighed.
"I am here for you. I promise that we will find out what happened and find a way to get everybody in town back." Ace said.
"You know ever since we met I have caused you nothing but trouble. And still, you are so nice to me. Sometimes I feel like everything is going wrong. But when I look at you, I get hope. I feel like not everything is useless. That I am not useless. I am so grateful that you are my friend even after everything that has happened. Thanks for being there for me Ace. I don't know where I would be without you." Shadow said. Tears filled her eyes. Ace hugged his friend.

"We should probably get going I don't want that thing finding us." the Riolu said.
"But where do we go?" Shadow asked. Ace hesitated this was not the time to tell Shadow about Arceus or anything.
"Something tells me we should go to Silver town." He said.
"I have no idea why you want to go there. But I trust you. If that's is what you want, then that is what we will do. Let's go."
Ace sighed in relief that Shadow asked no questions. And so the two kids departed.

It took them five days to get to their destination. During the day they traveled mostly silent, there was nothing fun to talk about. And at night they would camp inside a cave whenever possible or under the stars when they couldn't find one. When they finally caught sight of the city Shadow exclaimed:
"Look Ace we made it. I have never seen a place this big." She looked at the city in awe. Ace had seen city's before as a human, so he remained silent. After a few minutes, Shadow turned around and said:
"I can't wait to see it up close, let's go." she jumped up and down in excitement.
"Whoa calm down will ya. Don't worry we aren't in a hurry. there will be plenty of time to look around." Ace said. Together they made their way to the city.

When they entered Shadow couldn't keep her eyes off the all the things she could see. She rushed off
"Don't wander too far. I don't wanna lose you!!!" Ace shouted after her.
"First time in the city is it," A voice said. Ace turned around to look who talked to him. He saw a Pidgeot with a Pidgey next to him. For a moment Ace thought it was his teacher, but then he remembered that that couldn't be the case. His teacher was still in the village. Stuck like everybody else. 
"Hey what is the matter? I won't hurt you." The Pidgeot said.
"Of course not. I am sorry sir I was thinking of something else. As for your question. Yeah, this is her first time. I have already seen a city before." Ace forced a smile on his face as he said that.
"So where are your parents?" the Pidegot asked. This wiped the smile of Ace's face
"Uh... they're not here. we travel alone." Ace said.
"I see.... is there anything we can do to help," the Pidgeot asked
"Actually yes there is. You see I have been told there is a group of pokémon here who are trying to find out what is happening in the smaller villages around the world. Do you perhaps know where I could find them." Ace said
"Of course I do. Everyone around here does. their headquarters are in that big building over there."He pointed his wing to a massive building to the east side of the city.
"Thanks, sir. I should probably get going then. I don't wanna lose my companion." Ace said
"Of course. Good luck kid" The Pidegeot said. And Ace rushed after Shadow who by then had become a tiny figure in the distance.
"Dad, I think that was the kid who I saved back then." The Pidgey said to the Pidgeot
"I hope he will be alright." The Pidgey then said.

By the time Ace caught up with shadow he was panting heavily.
"Shadow please calm down. Follow me I know when we have to go."
Ace almost had to drag Shadow along as they made their way to the headquarters.

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