Chapter 8 A spark

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During class that day nothing happened, it was a typical day except for the fact that for the first time Shadow had other kids to play with during recess. It was no surprise that when the two were walking home after school, that day Shadow was in a cheerful mood. They arrived home, and Shadow was excited to tell her parents what happened
"Mom, guess what happened today at school," She yelped happily.
"Tell me," her mom said with slight surprise in her voice. It had been a while since Shadow had been in such a good mood. Shadow told her mother everything. But she left out Chespin and the fight.
"....and now we have been invited to hang out at the lake with the other kids. Can we please go?" She looked at her mother with big puppy eye. Ms.Zoroark laughed
"Of course you can go. Will you be home for dinner?"
"No, we are going to eat together at the lake " Shadow replied
"Okay then have fun you two. and take care," Ms.Zoroark said
"Okay, mom we will" And with that the two kids left the house and made their way over to the lake.

When they arrived, everybody else was already there. Well, everybody execptChespin who wasn't invited.
"Hey, guys glad you could make it." Eevee said as she made her way over to them
"Hi, Eevee" Ace said happily. Shadow stayed silent she wasn't used to other pokémon talking to her yet, and therefore was a bit shy. All she did was force a smile on her face. Eevee noticed this and said:
"Uhm Shadow are you okay. You look uncomfortable."
"Yeah I am fine," Shadow said barely audible. Eevee shrugged and continued
"Now that you're here why don't you guys join us in a game of hide and seek. We were just about to begin."
"Sounds fun" Ace said, and the three of them made their way over to the others
"Look who is here. Its Ace and Shadow" Eevee exclaimed. The group of kids cheered
"So who's gonna search," a Mudkip asked.
"Sure why not," Ace said "You've got a minute. Go!" The group of kids dashed off to hide as Ace covered his eyes with is paws.

When a minute had passed Ace opened his eyes and started looking. He found Eevee first she was hiding behind a fallen log. One by one he found all the kids Some were in trees other behind rocks or in the bushes. Eventually, only one pokémon was left, Shadow.  He searched for ten minutes and found nothing. At that point, he was getting worried something had happened. Five more minutes passed the other kids also went searching. Then ace tripped over a tree root. He fell. And during the fall he automatically closed his eyes. But when he got up his eyes still closed he noticed something strange. He could still see. It wasn't his normal vision he saw the outline of objects around him and when he turned his back to the other kids behind him he saw colored spots in the form of his classmates. He opened his eyes and saw everything like normal. He closed his eyes and saw the cloured spots again. Surprised at this newfound ability he looked around and noticed a small cave entrance. He opened his eyes but saw nothing The entrance was hidden behind some shrubs. Using this new vision he entered the small cave hoping to find Shadow. On the inside the cave was lager then it seemed on the outside. It was almost too dark to see anything. So Ace relied on his new vision. On the other end of the cave, he saw two coloured spots. A red one and a blue one. The red one had the shape of a Chespin. the blue on was curled up Ace was unable to see who it was. But he didn't have to see to know that it was Shadow. She was cowering in fear as Chespin stood next to her his fist raised. He had stopped because he heard somebody enter the cave. He couldn't see who it was so he watched carefully.
Ace was angry when he recognized the bully 
"You again. Leave shadow alone" he growled. When Chespin recognized the voice, he lost all of his confidence and ran he pushed Ace out of the way. Ace had no desire to follow him. Instead, he made his way to Shadow. he kneeled right next to here
"Shadow are you okay, has he hurt you," Ace asked his friend. Then Shadow did something which totally surprised Ace. She kissed him.

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