Chapter 7 An invitation

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Later that night it started raining. When the first drops of rain hit Ace's face, he woke up from them. He saw that Shadow was still asleep her head resting on his chest. However the rain did make her shift a bit "Just a few more minutes," She mumbled in her sleep. Ace smiled at this. "Hmm is should probably wake her up it's already way past the time that we were supposed to get home," He said to no one but himself. He gently shook her "Wake up Shadow" he whispered

No reaction. He shook again a little more violent this time. This only cause Shadow to shift her position, but she didn't wake up even a little. He shook a third time again a bit more violent than the last one. At this Shadows' eyes shot open he jumped up startled. She blinked as realization dawned to her "Oh did we really fall asleep like that?" She asked. Ace chuckled "Yeah we did.... better get home now,"
"we are probably in trouble, mom will be so mad,"  Shadow mumbled.
"Whatever punishment they give us, we will take it together. I promise," Ace reassured her. Shadow nodded, "Yeah let's go," she said. Although Ace noticed she wasn't happy about it. He decided not to ask her. And they started making their way back to the village. 

Rain continued softly pouring down as they made their wake back to the village. Ace and Shadow shivered as the rain was quite chilly on their body's. By the time they made it home, they were soaked. Even tho it wasn't raining very hard. They had decided to climb through the bedroom window not wanting to face punishment at that moment. They had to help each other clamber through the tiny window, but they managed. Shadow shook the rain from her fur
"Well I don't know about you, but I am going back to sleep," she whispered before laying down and closing her eyes.
"Yeah me too," Ace replied at an equally soft volume. Shadow didn't respond to him, so he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep as well

When the woke up the next morning They entered the kitchen together expecting the worst To their great surprise there was no punishment other than promising not to do it again. They quickly ate breakfast and went to school.

When they arrived at school, they were almost late, so everybody was already inside. They made their way to the classroom as fast as possible and nearly got a heart attack when they entered the room. This way because the moment they opened the door the whole class exploded into cheers.
"What is this all about?" A surprised Ace said to his classmates
An Eevee came forward and said: "Congratulations on beating Chespin yesterday. He really needed someone to put him in his place. We hope that he'll be less of a bully now,"
"Wow...uhm... you did not have to do anything. it really wasn't that big of a big deal," he then took a look around the class and noticed that Chespin wasn't there also Mr.Pidgeot their teacher was missing.
"Where are Chespin and Mr.Pidgeot?" Ace asked Eevee
"Chespin said he is sick, although I don't believe he really is. As for Pidegot, he said that as a teacher he couldn't condone a fight between students, so he is pretending not to know anything about this and will join us after this is over," Eevee informed the two.
"Uhm okay..." Ace hesitated. "I'm not sure what to say now."
"You don't have to say anything. Everybody thinks Chepin deserved this, even the teachers. You're a hero," Eevee cheered
"Wow thanks, guys...." a flustered Ace muttered.
Shadow stood to the side uncomfortably as she overheard the whole thing silently. She was surprised when Eevee turned to her and said:
"Shadow I..... we are very sorry for never talking to you or standing up for you. It's just..., how can I say this. It's not that we didn't want to be friends with you..., at least not for me anyway. But rather that we were scared to do so. Not scared of you but Chespin." Eevee noticed the puzzled look Shadow gave her and so she explained:
"You saw how he behaved to Ace. He was like that to us a well...He threatened to beat us up if we talked to you. We were just too scared to go against him. So we obeyed. And I am so sorry for it now; I hope you can forgive me" Eevee said looking expectingly at Shadow. When no reply came she continued by saying:
"We are throwing a random party at the lake north of the village. You are invited as well if you want. So do you?" Eevee asked "Of course Ace can come along as well," she added quickly as she saw the look Shadow threw at the Riolu
"What do you think Ace, should we go?" Shadow asked Ace
"Hey, it's your choice. I'll go along with whatever you want. It's you who they are inviting I'm simply allowed to tag along with you," Ace said putting up his pawn in a sign of restraint.
Shadow thought about this and the offer before turning back to Eevee and saying:
"We'll be there if mom and dad are okay with it."
"Awesome we will see you guys there. Oh before I forget, see if you can bring some food. We are having dinner together."
"Will do, thanks," Shadow said a huge smile now covering her face. She had just made a new friend. Then Mr.Pidegot came in
"Sorry that I'm late kids something came in the way," He said giving the class a slight wink
"Now I don't know why you three aren't in your seats yet, but I'm going to ask you to go there now so that class can start."
Ther three kids quickly took their seats and class had begun.

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