Chapter 19 part 2: The dawn of a new day

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Everything seemed to slow down around Ace. The world around him became a blur he only saw his opponent. Dodging the hits became an easy task. Ace kept dodging until. Eventually, he saw an opportunity to attack. He put all his weight in this blow the force was also enhanced due to the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Meanwhile, Shadow was watching feeling defeated. She wanted to help Ace so bad, but there was nothing she could do.
Then all of a sudden Ace's paw started to glow in a bright golden light. A voice sounded in Ace's head.
"This is it Ace. I have filled you with my power. Strike now, and you can win this battle. Be quick however because I can't keep this up for long." Arceus spoke. Ace's instinct took over. He charged forward and delivered the decisive blow. When his paw struck, Rayquaza was engulfed in the same golden light as Ace's paw had been. When the light disappeared, Rayquaza was gone. Ace had done it he had won.
Ace felt entirely drained all his energy was gone.

The force field disappeared, and Shadow dashed off without a second thought. It took her no time at all to reach Ace. Her heart sunk when she saw Ace was unmoving. The worst thought immediately shot into her mind and caused her to tear up.
"No this can't be. I can't lose him." She said aloud. She started sobbing.
Then Dewott came walking up calmly. Shadow was blocking the view, so he did not see Ace.
"What's wrong?" he asked. Then he got next to Shadow and got the answer to his question. He was lost for words and needed some time to process this development. He wasn's as close to Ace as Shadow, so he wasn't as sad, but it definitely affected him. He liked Ace and respected him for his courage.
"I'm so sorry for this Shadow," he said as he placed his paw on Shadow's shoulder.
"He will be missed greatly. But he died a hero, and he will be remembered for it," Dewoot wanted to say more but was interrupted by a golden light appearing in front of them. When the light faded Arceus was standing before them
"Ace is not dead. He is merely in the dark lands. Now that it's creator is defeated the portal to the Dark land has opened everyone in there should be returning into this world shortly. Arceus spoke
After hearing this Shadow calmed down.
"What was that thing anyway. It seemed to have the ability to take the form and power of others?" Dewott asked
"That I do not know. Nobody knows what it exactly is. The reason it could take the forms it did was because it had captured me and the other legends. That's also the reason why I could not defeat it myself." Arceus said
"So is it gone now?" Dewott asked
"No. Unfortunately, it is not. It has merely been defeated. We can only hope that it will take a long time for it to regain power. But one day it will come back. We need to be prepared when that happens. That's why I want to ask you to continue your research,"
"We will. I promise, but unfortunately, our base of operations has been destroyed," Dewott said
"I will build a new one for you in any place you desire."
"Then I want it to be in the village where Ace and Shadow live. It's in a more central position, and it will allow Ace and Shadow to continue working with us if they so desire." Dewott decided after a short amount of thinking.
"Then so it will be. I am afraid that I now must go. I wish you the best of luck." and with that Arceus instantly vanished

As Arceus had promised everyone in the Dark land returned shortly after this. Including Ace.
There was a massive celebration in honour of Ace that night. The following morning everybody in the society packed their remaining belongings. And together with them, Ace and Shadow journeyed back to their hometown. When they arrived the maze had vanished, and the place was buzzing with life once again. Shadow was beyond happy when she reunited with her mom. And so was Ace. A few days after this Arceus fuffiled his promise and build a new headquarters this one bigger and better than the one they had before. Both Ace and Shadow agreed to continue working for the society. School started back up, and the tournament that was planned before everything went wrong was held. To no one's surprise, Ace won.

And to this day Ace and Shadow still live here in this city

~~The end.~~

And that is the end of my very first fanfiction.
If you are reading this than that hopefully means you have read the entirety of this story. That makes you a fantastic person. And I want to thank you all so much for reading and for supporting me while writing this
I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this.
This is definitely not the last you'll hear from me. At the moment of writing this, I have already got a new story going. It is called To find our place.
Also, there will be a bonus chapter to this story. I am looking forward to that as well.
It has been an amazing experience to write this. But everything good has to end at some point, and it seems that that point has been reached now. You can all look forward to the bonus chapter, but that will most likely be the very end. And with that, I have nothing more to say. Except, Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you in my future work.

This is Riolu signing off.

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