Ch.7 7 Minutes In Heaven Gone Wrong

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After you introduced Mason to everyone you went out to find Jack. After 15 minutes of looking saw a black figure sitting down with its legs over a cliff. It was Jack. You walk over to him slowly and sat down beside him. "Jack is something wrong?" You asked Jack with a worried expression. "I thought I told you not to follow me." Jack said looking down over the cliff. You placed your hand on Jack's face where the bandages were. You took off the bandages and traced the scars with your fingers. "They finally heal up, huh?" You asked trying to lighten the mood. Jack didn't say anything, he didn't even look at you. You let out a soft sigh. "Are you mad at me about Mason?" You ask. Jack still didn't say anything. "Look I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know what to say or do. I was afraid if said anything he would get offended. And he would be another person I have to avoid. So I'm sorry. Is that what you want to hear? I'm sorry!" You said trying to get Jack something. But he didn't. You let out an angry sigh. "Fine. If you wanna be left alone then I'll leave you alone." You say getting up to leave but Jack pulled you back by your tail. (Again) You let out a small yelp of surprise and slight pain. You fell and landed on Jack's hard but comfortable chest. Then you felt wrap his arms around you. You blushed a little. "Did you know that you're adorable when you mad?" Jack asked kissing your forehead. "Jack..." You said lightly. "Come on. Let's go back to the Manson." Jack said grabbing your hand and pulling you with him.

//(Mason's POV)//

I followed (Y/N) outside. Because I wanted to know where she was going. After a while, she saw someone. It was Laughing Jack. >What? Did she come all the way out here just to find him?< I asked myself. I hid behind a tree (Y/N) or Laughing Jack wouldn't see me. After a while (Y/N) got up to leave but Laughing Jack pulled her tail making her fall on his chest. He hugged her and kissed her forehead. Then they both got up and walked back to the Manson while holding hands. That made me angry. I punched a tree that was next to me causing it to break and fall over. Luckily, (Y/N) and Laughing Jack didn't hear it. I hurried back to the Manson before (Y/N) and Laughing Jack could.

//(Normal POV)//

You and Jack made it back to the Manson before anyone could notice that you two were gone. "There you are! Where did you love birds run off to this time?" Bloody Painter asked. You and Jack didn't say anything but just stared at him for a moment. "Where the hell have you been for the past 6 chapters?" Jack asked. "Well...Long story short the author want me to do something. Plus Slender had me go on a mission. Sooo yeah. But anyway come on. We're about to play 7 Minutes In Heaven." Bloody Painter said walking into the living room. You and Jack went into the living room and sat in the circle with everyone else and started playing.

//(15 Minutes Later)//

After 15 Minutes, you went into the closet with almost everyone including the girls. Luckily, nothing bad happened. Some people you wish you didn't go in the closet with. Take Candy Pop for example. When you two were in the closet Candy Pop somehow locked the door from the inside. When Jack noticed that it was passed 7 minutes he got worried. And when he tried to open the door it was locked. Jack could hear you telling Candy Pop to get off you and to stop and don't do whatever he was thinking. This made Jack furious. So Jack busted the door down. And when he did so, Jack and everyone else saw you two. You were laying on your back trying to get Candy Pop off of you and Candy Pop was pulling your leg trying to get you closer to him. You were a blushing mess. And you might've cried a little. But you know, Jack and Candy Pop fought. And things almost happened. But anywaysss. (And yes the door got fixed somehow.) It was Mason turn to pull from the hat again. Mason pulled out a rectangular piece of paper that had wolf ears on it. He smirked. It was you. Mason walked up to you and held out his hand. "Shall we?" Mason asked. You heard Jack growl. You let out a small sigh and took Mason hand. He pulled you up and walked over to the closet. He opened the door for you. You let out another small sigh and walked into the closet. Mason walked in soon after you and closed the door.

//(Outside the closet)//

"Uh, Jack. I think it's not a good idea to leave (Y/N) and Mason alone for too long." BEN told Jack. "Don't you think I know that." Jack said not looking at BEN. "I know you know that. I wanted to tell you that when we first met Mason he just seemed...Off."BEN said shrugging. "What do you mean off?" Jack asked now looking at BEN. "I don't know. Its like we met before but not in a good way...Like we fought each other before." BEN said looking at Jack. Jack and BEN talked for a while. And Jack noticed that it was oddly quiet. And saw black smoke coming from under the closet door. And Mason laughing.

//(Inside the closet)//

When you and Mason went into the closet you sat on the floor with you back against the wall. Before Mason sat across from you, you heard him lock the door. After that Mason sat across from you and it started to get oddly cold. "Huh? Are you cold? Here. You can have a jacket if you want." Mason said handing you his jacket. "T-thanks." You say taking Mason's jacket and putting it on. >You know Jack won't like that you have Mason's jacket. You know that right?< Sam said teasingly. >And where have you been for the past 2 chapters?< You asked Sam. >Don't worry about where I've been. You need to keep an eye on your little friend< Sam say. "Huh...?" You say then look up at Mason to see Max. >What?! How the hell did he get in here??< You asked yourself. Then you saw black smock. You started coughing, it felt like it was choking and you started to cry little but. Then your vision got blurry. Really hear anything but Mason...Max laughing. Then you blacked out.

(Outside of the closet...Again)

"What is that black smoke coming from under the door?" Sally asked pointing to the closet door. "Huh? What smoke?" Bloody Painter asked looking at the bottom of the closet door. Shit! Everyone take cover!" Masky shouted as him and hoodie flipped over the couch. Everyone did as they were told. Then there was a loud explosion and red smoke everywhere. Everyone started coughing, it felt like the smoke was choking they. But thankfully the smoke cleared. As the smoke cleared everyone stood up and looked at the closet door and saw Max with you over his shoulder. "Well. I got what I got what I came here for. I'll see you guys when you come and take my princess back. See ya later." Max said as he disappeared into red smoke. Everyone just stood there confusedly and in disbelief. "WHAT THE  FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!?!" Jeff asked confusedly outraged.

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