Ch.5 Part Of The Truth

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//(At Zalgo's Mansion)//

"Master Zalgo we've went and checked on (Y/N). It looks like someone provoked her. Her ears and tail are showing." Scarlett says walking into Zalgo's office. "Fantastic! She's finally ready! Now. Go get her and bring her to me." "But sir. How are we going to get her? She's leaning how to fight and-" Before Scarlett could finish Zalgo cut her off. "Disguise Max as someone else. I don't care. Just get (Y/N) and bring her here." Zalgo said shooing Scarlett away. "Yes sir."

//(At Slenderman's Mansion and 3 Hour Nap Time Skip)//

You woke up from the sound of fighting. Eager to see who was fighting and for what, you practically ran downstairs. Everyone was in a circle around Jeff and BEN shouting and  fighting. Over what you don't know yet. >Do they always fight like this?< Sam asks. >I hope not.< You say to Sam. "Hey Masky? Do they always fight like this?" You ask Masky. "Yeah...Sometimes its funny. Sometimes it gets bloody. But you know. You win some, you lose some." Masky say still looking at Jeff and BEN. "Well do you know what their fighting about?" You say looking at Masky. "Don't know." Masky say shrugging. Then you heard them say something. "No! Jeff you can't have her! You had the last one!" BEN shouted kicking Jeff off him. "So? I don't care what you say (Y/N) gonna be mine no matter what anyone says!" Jeff says trying to stab BEN. And with that said everyone was looking at you. >Wait...Their fighting over me? But why? Why me?< You thought to yourself. And before you could say anything you say 2 black tentacles grab a bloody Jeff and a cut up BEN. "*Sighs* What are you two fight for this time?" Slenderman asks rubbing his temples. "Jeff's trying to take (Y/N) away from me!" BEN shouted pointing at Jeff. "Me!?! You was the one who started this whole thing!" Jeff shouted pointing at BEN. "Why does it matter anyway? She's already dating me." LJ say walking up behind you and putting his arm around you. And smirking. Everyone was now look at you and LJ with a 'wat? are you serious' face even Slenderman had the same expression. "What? You guys didn't know?" LJ said looking at everyone confused. "Okay LJ very funny. But seriously who's paying you?" Nina said smirking. Which made the other girls laugh quietly. Their laughs made you remember things you wish you could forget. This made you cry and you ran out of the mansion crying, not looking back. 

When you ran out of the mansion. It was funny to Nina and the other girls making them laugh louder. This made LJ angry. LJ took out some knife and threw them at Nina cause her to be pined to the wall. LJ threw 2 more knife hitting Nina in her shoulders. "LJ what the fuck!?!!" EJ shouted running over to Nina and taking her off the wall. LJ walked to the front door and opened it but stopped. "If anyone else makes (Y/N) cry again. I'll make you regret it." LJ said walking out the front door. Everyone just looks shocked. Then EJ fix up BEN, Jeff and Nina.

//(With LJ Looking for (Y/N))//

>Damn it...Where did she go?< LJ thought to himself. The he heard someone crying from...Above him? LJ looked up and saw you with your face buried in your knees. >Why tf is she up there? And how am I gonna get up there??< LJ thought to himself. Then he got an idea. LJ grabbed your tail, but not too hard. And pulled you down. You let out a little yelp and close your eyes awaiting for the impact. But it never can. You felt safe, warm, and protected. You opened your eyes and looked you. To see LJ hold you in his arm. This made you blush and look away from him. "Are you okay?" LJ ask sitting against the tree you in. You just nodded still looking away and blushing. "Why did you cry? I thought you were gonna have a good comeback." LJ said sitting you down on his lap. "Its just...*Sighs* They reminds me of my bullies from school. They way they run in a pack. They way they look at me. Even the way they laugh reminds me of them. They always picked on me. And I would just ignore them. But that was a poor choice. They kidnapped me. And tortured me. Until they made me their slave. I had to do anything and everything they wanted me to do. Until on day, we both snapped. We both wanted them to pay for what they did to us. But She went too far. She used my body to kill them. Their blood was on my hands. I don't want her to get angry anymore. Because if she gets angry again. She'll kill again. I don't like seeing people die. I don't want them to die. I hate killing them. She makes me kill them. She makes me a monster."  You say crying into LJ shoulder. "(Y/N)..." LJ paused. "It'll be okay. I promise." LJ says hugging you tightly and patting your head. "Jack..." You paused then gave him a light smile. "Thanks for listening." You say giving him a kiss on the lips. "No problem." LJ says. "Now lets get back to the mansion." LJ says picking you up and carrying you bridal style. 

Laughing Jack x Half Wolf! Reader (Lemon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora