Ch. 11 Shocking 😬😨

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(TBH I'm just making this up as I'm typing so it might not making any sense there will be a few TikTok references)

///(Slight Lemon Warning)///

"Shhh! Do you guys hear that?" Clockwork asked. All the girls went dead silent. Then they heard it.

"J-Jack! S-Slow down! A-Ah!~"  Y/N moaned.

*Gasp* "It can't be!" Jill whispered-shouted. Jill went to the far wall and put her ear against it. "Guys! Get over here! You have to tell me I'm hearing things!" Jill said getting visibly upset.

"Ah!~" Y/N moaned louder.

"Shhh Y/N. You don't want anyone to hear your sweet little moans do you?" Jack says grabbing Y/N's throat.

"No way! They're actually!" Jane said shocked.

"That b!txh!" Jill said getting more upset.

///(In the morning)///

It was around 6 o'clock in the morning when you woke up. You felt around on the bed but didn't feel Jack. You sat up and looked around while rubbing your eyes. You didn't see Jack anywhere in the room. "Maybe he's in the shower." You whispered to yourself. (Btw you have one one of Jack t-shirts which looks like a over-sized dress on you) You tried to get up but you fell with a loud thud. "D@mn. Jack went all out didn't he?" You say to yourself while your legs started to shake.

"(Y/N) i heard something fall. Is everything oka- (Y/N)!" Jack says rushing towards you. "A-Are you okay?! What happened?!" Jack asks squatting down to your level. Jack looked down to see your legs shaking. He started blushing a little.

"Jack I'm fine. My legs are a little numb is all." You say reassuring him.

"Are you sure? I...I didn't hurt you did I?"

"Yes I'm sure. Besides I like it rough." You say talking a little quieter making Jack blush more. You giggled a little. "Anyway. Can you carry me to my room. I need to get a change of clothes."

"Y-Yeah. Of course." Jack says picking you up and carrying you to your room.

///(Time Skip cuz I'm lazy asf)///

You took a shower and got dressed. After you got some more feeling in your legs you went down stairs with everyone else for breakfast. You walked into the dining room to see everyone sitting at the table and talking. You didn't see Slenderman so he must be still kitchen, cooking. You saw an open seat between Gabi and Jack. As you were walking over, you felt eyes on you. A lot of eyes. You already knew who it was so you didn't even bother looking their way. You made your way to the open seat and sat down.

"Good Morning (Y/N)!" Gabbi says pulling you into a tight hug.

You laughed lightly. "Good Morning Gabbi." You say giving her back.

You started to having a conversation with Gabbi when you heard them whispering.

"I still don't see why he's with her. She had nothing to offer." Jane whispered.

"I know! Just look at her! It looks like she went shopping in a smelly dumpster." Jill whispered making the girls laugh.

'Bro it's 7 o' clock in the morning and they already talking shït!? Ugggggh I really don't feel like dealing with them today.' You were getting sick and tired of them talking so you decided to do the same. You pulled Gabbi closer to you.

"It's sad that folks gotta talk down on someone else to make themselves feel better. Then gotta have her friends back her up so she doesn't look like a fan." You laughed a little. "That's just so sad." You whispered loud enough for them to hear you. Gabbi understood what you were doing and went along with you.

"For real! Like if she's jealous of you then she should just say that instead to denying it. Like just look at her and look at you. Hell if I was her I would be jealous too." Gabbi loudly whispered making you both laugh.

Jill heard you two and got mad. She stood up slamming her hand on the table.

"What was that (Y/N) and Gabbi!?" Jill said glaring at you and Gabbi. Everyone looked at Jill then to you and Gabbi. You and Gabbi looked at Jill 'shocked', looked at each other and laughed.

"Uh ma'am (this is how I talk to make others mad) me or her was not talking to you. This is our conversation so shh!" You said turning back to Gabbi.

"No! You two were talking about me and I want to know what was said. And Gabbi what's your problem!? We were just cool now you wanna act like an opp bitxh." Jill says now looking at Gabbi.

Gabbi laughed a little then nudged you. "Oh she mad she can't stop sh!t. Baby girl we were never 'cool'. I was just playing you and your little friends too. Anyone who had problems with my sis has problems with me too." Gabbi say.

"Tch Gabbi you're a follower. Just like your wh*re sister." Jill said getting louder.

"Okay number one sweetheart lower your voice you not scaring anyone. Two explain to me how I'm a follower? Cuz as far as I know I haven't been following anyone. And three who are you calling a wh*re!? Just say you're mad that I stole your boyfriend and be done with it!" You stand up. *Scoffs* "I don't see why you're mad anyway. You obviously didn't love Jack cuz you cheated on him with his best friend. So if anyone is a wh*re it's you." You say glaring at Jill. Everyone gasped.

"So that's why they broke up!? Woooooooooow! Just. Just wow!" BEN said.

"Shut it BEN!" Jill shouted then she looked over at Jack. "Jack. Did you-." Before Jill could even finish her sentence Jack cuts her off.

"No Jill I didn't tell (Y/N) anything about that." Jack paused for a second. "And. Even if I did tell (Y/N). What were you gonna do about it?"

Jill just stood there shocked. She didn't know what to say. "I...I-I..." Jill stuttered. Jill hands started to shake.

Jack started to mock Jill. "I...I-I...
I what!? You want me to give you more changes don't you!?" Jack stood up slamming his hand on the table shocking everyone including you. "Well guess what Jill I'm sick and tired giving you chances! And I'm sick of you and your little friends harassing (Y/N)! She has done nothing to any of you and you still treat her like shït. Jill if you're jealous of her taking your place and being 100x better at it then just say that!" Jack started to walk out the dining room but he stopped in the doorway then look at Jill up and down. *Scoffs* "I really wish I didn't waste 3 1/2 years on you." Jack said walking out the kitchen and up to him room.

With that Jack left everyone speechless. Everyone looked at Jill. She was just starring where Jack just was. You could tell that she was heartbroken. You could see it in her eyes. It looked like she was on the verge of crying her eyes out. Not gonna lie you did feel bad. You felt horrible. But she kinda needed to hear it. You snapped out of your thought and rushed up stairs after Jack.

Laughing Jack x Half Wolf! Reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now