Pt 12: The Visit

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(Lol hey, what's up? It's been a while I know. I've been busy with school and stuff but here's the next part some of yall been wanting so yeah. Btw I'm making this up as I'm typing it. Also, it's been a while since I've written this story so I might not remember everything that has happened here and the story style might be a lil different. But enjoy this chapter:) )


Slenderman comes out of the kitchen with pancakes, sausage, and eggs on each tentacle. "Breakfast is ser-" Slenderman stopped and looked at everyone confused. "Did I miss something??" Slenderman asked. "Yes..." everyone said in unison.

You ran upstairs after Jack. 'I didn't know Jack had it in him to put Jill in her place. But I'm glad he did. Maybe she and her little friends can leave me alone.' You thought to yourself stopping in front of Jack's bedroom door. You gave it a light knock. "Jack? Can I come in?" You asked but you didn't get an answer. You opened the door slightly and called out to him again. "Jack?" You opened the door all the way so some light can get in for you to see. You could see Jack kinda curled up in a ball on his bed. "Oh, Jack." You said to yourself.  You closed the door and walked over to the bed and sat on the side. "Are you okay, Jack?" He didn't say anything but you heard...sniffles? You turned on the bedside lamp to see Jack. You looked back over to him to see him crying. "Come on, Jack. Talk to me." Jack still didn't say anything. He didn't even look at you. He doesn't look sad. He looks angry, so you decide to give him some space. You turned the light back off and left the room, closing the door behind you. 'Maybe he just needs time any from the house. I wonder Slender will let me visit Dad for a few days.' You thought to yourself walking to Slenderman's office. As you were about to open the door you heard shouting from the other side. You cracked the door to see Jill and Slenderman talking. You pressed your ear to the door.

"That's not fair! Can't you put them on punishment or something!?" Jill asked angrily.

"Jill, I'm sorry but (Y/N) or Jack did nothing wrong. If anyone should be on punishment it should be you and the other girls." Slender explained.

"What!? Why us!?" Jill asked.

"Well ever since (Y/N) arrived here the girls have been giving her a hard time for no reason. And you've been no better. (Y/N) has been nothing but nice to all of you ever since she got here. And Jack is no different." Slender said. "I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do."

"Fine! Since you aren't gonna do anything I guess I'll deal with it how I see fit." Jill says storming out of the office. Slenderman just sighed. You backed away from the door so she wouldn't hit you. The door swing out Jill stopped and looked at you. (So uhh...I just found out that Jill is 6'2 and that Jack is fuxking 8'2...Wow not in this story tho Jill is 5'9 and Jack is 6'4) "You just know how to ruin everything don't you?" Jill says looking at you with anger and disgust. She walked any before you could say anything. You didn't think much of it. You walked into the office and up to Slenderman's desk.

"Hey Slenderman, can I ask you something?" You asked. Slenderman sighed again rubbing his temples.

"Sure (Y/N) what is it?"

"I was wondering if I can go visit Dad for a few days and take Jack and Gabi with me."

"What? Why?" Slenderman asked confused.

"Well by now I'm sure you know the whole thing between Jill and Jack, but Jack is hurting right now and I think he needs some time away from the house. God knows I need time away from this place, too. Just until things cool off. And plus if I never go and visit, Dad will mostly definitely send Scarlett and Max to come to get me again." You stated.

Slenderman sighed again. "I'll let you go. But! Just promise me that nothing bad will happen. No fighting, no killing, and please don't get tricked into staying there longer than you need to be."

"Really? Thank you! And I promise none of that will happen." You say running out of the room to tell Jack and Gabi the news. You went back to Jack's room. You walked in to see Jack still curled up in a ball on his bed. But he wasn't crying this time. "Hey, Jack? I got something to tell you." You say sitting on the side. Jack didn't say anything. He just kinda gave you the side-eye. "Well, I asked Slenderman and he said that me, you, and Gabi can go stay with dad until you things cool off here."

Jack sat up and looked at you. "I don't want to go there."

"Oh come on, Jack. It'll be a few days at most." You say rolling your eyes.

"(Y/N) if you haven't noticed everyone here are enemies with Zalgo and his proxies. Why would you want to go there?!" Jack asks.

"Jack like I said. It'll be a few days at most and we need time away from the house. This stress isn't good either of us. Plus Dad is just gonna make Scarlett and Max kidnap again if I don't come and visit." You explained.

Jack signed and looked around the room. "Fine. I'll go. But if he does or says ANYTHING to piss me off. I'm coming back here and not going back."

"Fine. Now get your stuff together we leaving in a few." You say leaving to tell Gabi the news.

You went down stairs, found Gabi and told her the news. She got excited that she can see Dad again after she kinda ran away. You both went upstairs and started packing.

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