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After leaving them Sanyukta and Karan went for a long drive.. because Karan knew she can't handle rd anymore and that's why he left with her.. when they were walking to the Belgian waffles sanyu turned and punched him in the stomach..

"Ouch sanyu whats that for?" Karan asked..

"For punching rd earlier.. don't ever touch him again.. u got it? Whatever it is it's between us don't u dare come in between.." Sanyu said glaring at him..

"Ohk.. ohk..I will not punch him again" he said raising his hands up.. sanyu nodded and they went to have Thier waffel.. later they returned home to find Vidushi and Parth waiting for them..

"Finally u are home.. come on go get fresh we are leaving in half n hour.." Parth said

"To Where?" Sanyu asked

"To show him around.. because your mom told us it's his first time here and also one of my friend has a musical drama today for which she gave me free tickets.. so go get ready fast.." Vidushi replied and pushed sanyu towards her room.. while sanyu was getting dragged to her room.. Parth showed Karan guest room.. and left him to call rd.

When sanyu reached her room she found a full bt21 merch of koya on her bed with a single blue letter placed right Infront of it..

Sanyu opened the letter to find it's from rd

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Sanyu opened the letter to find it's from rd..

Hello sanyu.. take this gift as one of my way to apologize.. u wanted koya.. so I bought it for u.. I know what I did was wrong.. I want to apologize for it.. I am not asking u to forgive me.. I just want to apologize properly.. i am sorry please..I am just asking for a chance.. plz hear me out.. if after that u want me to go I'll leave u alone.. but plz first hear me out.. plz let's talk face to face.. let's meet tonight at our secret place..


Sanyu kept that letter in her purse and got ready.. she came out of her room to find Karan sitting with Parth rd and Vidushi talking.. rd smiled at sanyu.. she didn't said anything just gave him a nod.. then they pile in parth's car to go to drama theatre..

They reached to find vidushi's friend Meena running while clutching her hairs in her hands..they knew something was wrong... Vidushi stopped her to asked what's wrong..

"Our singer drop out at last moment.. and now I don't have a freaking singer for my first show.. what I am going to do Vidushi..." She said on verge of crying suddenly her face lit up.. "Vidu u are singer.. can u sing.. plz help me.."

"I am a singer but I just started taking training.. I don't think my singing will be good for u.."

"What I am going to do Vidushi?" Meena asked..

"Wait sanyu can help u" Vidushi turned to sanyu and told her everything.. sanyu was ready to help. So Meena took sanyu to back stage to give her the song..

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