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Few days went by with Sandhir secretly dating.. all was well between them.. yeah Sanyu's nagging never stopped.. every time rd started having fun with his friends most of them are girls.. Sanyu gets jealous and they fought... but at the end of the day they make it up to each other... only parth, vidushi and tanya knew about them dating... It's was just a normal day when 5 of them came together to school.. they went to their respective class.. as soon as Rd entered Emily came bouncing to him..

"With whom are u going to party?" She asked him.. Sanyu was yet to come in class.. she was with Tanya and vidushi..

"Which party?" Rd asked her.. just when she was going to tell him.. the committee members from school arrived to make the announcement..

"Go with me..ohk?" She hurriedly asked him and went to take her place..  sanyu and gang also came to the class.. the announcers started making announcement..

"it's to inform u guys about the freshers party which is schedule this weekend... It's a theme party so every boy have to wear black and girls have to wear red... Mr.&Ms.fresher  will be declared on that day.. so whoever is taking part in it have to prepare something to impress everybody.. at the end the day voting will be carried out and the head master will crown the winners.. and the most important thing guys..  DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR PARTNER ALONG WITH U... we will be waiting for u guyz.. bye" and they left.. and that's how rd understood what Emily was talking about.. well he don't have any problem he just have to make Sanyu understand.. he turned to look at Sanyu who was sitting behind him.. she smiled at him..

Later when it was break time rd took Sanyu to their secret place where hardly anyone comes..

"Rd we are going together to party right?" Sanyu asked him

"No..we can't go they will get suspicious.. they are already because we are both always together so I don't want more.. I'll go with someone else so that their attention diverts from us.."rd finally said it after thinking the whole time..

"But rd.. It's not necessary that if both are going together to party that means we are dating.. we can go like best friends.." Sanyu said..

"Yeah.. but we can't... Emily already asked me when I didn't even knew about party... I still hadn't said her yes .. but If i reject her now she will gets suspicious.. I am sorry but I have to go with her.. to protect both of us.. plz Sanyu understand.." rd said explaining Sanyu..

"Hmm.. ohk I will find someone else don't worry.. u go and have fun with Emily.." she sassed.. with this she turned around and went away from there..

The whole week she ignored rd as much as she can.. rd was getting irritated with her behaviour.. he also ignored her.. That day after talking with Sanyu when Emily asked him again he said yes to her.. no one dared to ask Sanyu to go with him.. one day they were in lab she asked James to go with her.. first he was shocked because he never thought he will go with her.. but she explained him how she is alone so he said yes.. because he was not going to go as he didn't have partner because he is the nerd.. so they are going together..

parth and vidushi well they made a deal.. they will enter as a couple but after that they will find their own way to enjoy. An

d both were cool with it.. And for Tanya well she is in committee so she can enter..

Finally the party night came.. vidushi and Sanyu were getting ready at Sanyu's home.. they both did their makeup first after that they did each others hair then vidushi went to change.. few minutes later she came out wearing off shoulder knee length Red plated dress.. she came and twirled in front of Sanyu.... Sanyu laughed and showed her thumbs to tell her she is looking pretty then went to change she  intentionally picked the Red net backless dress which was knee length...  it has a big bow at the back... it was also sleeves less🤣..  Sanyu came out wearing it.. vidushi looked at her and whistle..

"U are looking hot.. someone is going to burn😂.." she laughed and Sanyu blushed...

"Shut up and let's get ready they are going to come any minute... they wear there heels and picked up their clutches .. just when they finished they heard the horn.. they both came down and went to front to see who had came..

When they reached they saw red's car parked there... windows of the car were rolled down and they saw rd and Emily sitting at front while parth was sitting at back.. parth came out of the car and opened the door for vidushi.. Sanyu looked at rd for once but then turned to look at parth..

"Someone is being a gentleman oh.."Sanyu said raising her eyebrows..

"Well thanks but U looking hot babe" parth complemented Sanyu...

"Stop being flirt.. u already have your date for tonight.." Sanyu smacked him..

"Ouch my bad..." he winked at her and gets into the car.. when she turned back to car she saw rd looking at her.. but she ignored him.. she waved parth and vidushi bye.. just then one more pulled up there.. James comes out..

"Hey.. Sanyu..  u looks beautiful.." he complemented her..

"Thank you.. let's go Sanyu said and went to his car.. James opened the door for her and she gets in after thanking him... while they were talking someone in the other car wanted to punch something.. but controlled him self..

"Why are u waiting rd.. let's go Emily said to rd.. he looked at her then in the mirror and drove out from there.. James to followed him out.. soon they were in party and were enjoying them self.. sanyu and James danced in a slow song.. parth and vidushi didn't entered the competition so they were free.. vidushi was at bar drinking and parth was with girls filrting.. rd and Emily too danced but rd was the one who sang the song.. they all enjoyed the party and performances... at the end it was time to anounce the winners..

Principle came on stage to announce..
"So what do u guys think who will win.." he asked.. the audience started screaming names.. "Well before that we have a little surprise for u all.. after announcing all the teachers and I will leave the venue.. you all can have fun little bit.. " principle said and audience went crazy...

"So Mr. & Ms. Fresher are... Rd and Emily... plz come on stage.." he announced rd and Emily were crowned  and teachers left the venue.. suddenly someone shouted from the crowd..

"Kiss.. kiss..kiss.." and soon everybody followed.. Sanyu was still there she was waiting for rd's reaction when she saw it she wished she would have not.. because rd pulled Emily close and kissed her.. Sanyu didn't believed her eyes.. parth who was next to her came In front of her to block the view but Sanyu pushed him aside and went out of the party...

So what will happen with Sandhir now??

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