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Harsh has just told them about rd's grandma

"Dad what are you saying? She can't left me. She can't left us here." And rd started crying sanyu too joined him. Because she was a grandma to her too. Harsh tried his best to console them but he can't because he too was upset. He too had lost his mom. He was not in a right mind to console anybody. They reached the hospital.

Rd ran towards her ward with sanyu and harsh following him. He reached to find his mom along with kishore and anju waiting outside her ward. They all were crying.. rd ran to them..

"Mom dad is saying grandma left? She can't leave me here. We had a promise. She had told me she will live with me she will not go. Then why did she left? Why mom? Why?" He cried hugging his mom. Sanyu too did.. They went in the ward to see her for the last time. They all tried their best to make them stop crying.. rd didn't come in the room. sanyu was there but she was still crying.

" Shhhh... sanyu stop crying. u remember what I had told u when your grandpa left us?" Anju said hoping she remembers

"Yes mom i remember" Sanyu replied

"then plz baby stop crying and go and make rd understand too ohk?" Anju said Sanyu nodded and went to rd.

"Rd" she called him slowly.. he was sitting outside back facing the door so When he heard his name his head turn to her in full speed. his hands went around her waist and he pulled her near him. He hide his face in sanyu's stomach.

"Sanyu" he cried In her arms.

"Sshhh... rd stop crying. Plz ron stop crying. Grandma will also cry if u cry so plz stop. " sanyu said to him.

"she left me sanyu she left us" rd said to her.

 " Rd u know When my grandpa died my mom told me that he is happy with grandma in the sky. My grandma was missing him so she called him to her. And he went because he too was missing her. They were apart for years. Now They are finally happy. So we should not cry but pray for them. So plz baby stop crying. Grandma will be so hurt to see u like this. Plz rd.." she made him understand.

"You are saying that grandma went to grandpa? And she is happy there without all of us? Didn't she loved us? She is not missing me? She will not come back now? She didn't thought about us before leaving?" Rd said. Its was difficult for him to take the news.

" no rd she loved us She too miss us. But u know u got whole 5 years with her? And your grandpa was alone so she went to him. Because He was not happy alone. Will u be able to live if we send Sanyu away from you?" Anju said coming out of the room to make him understand.

"No she is not going anywhere. sanyu u are not leaving. u cant leave. plz sanyu dont go. Grandma already went away. I can't let u go too." Rd said holding Sanyu close to him. first he ordered but then he pleaded her not to go.

"sshh Ron I am not going anywhere. i will be by your side always so don't worry. Even if u will ask me to go I will not go. So stop crying and let's say our last goodbye to grandma. So she can go peacefully Ok?" Sanyu said to rd. Hugging him back. Rd didn't said anything. He just nodded his head in yes.

rd and sanyu went in together this time holding each other's hand but when rd saw his grandma lifelessly laying on hospital bed. A loud sob left his mouth and his hold on sanyu tightened. sanyu squeezed his hand. Silently saying she there with him. They went near her.

"i hope u are happy wherever u are grandma. we will miss u alot." sanyu said first because she knew rd will take time.

"grandma sanyu says that u went to grandpa and u are happy there. If its true then i am not going to cry anymore. i will keep my every promise which i did to you but u had to keep an eye on me from above u know it right? how sometimes u have to make me remember my promises. you had do that from above too. Forgive me for my mistakes grandma i will miss u. Bye grandma i love u alot" rd said with tears sliding down his cheeks he tried his best to control his tears but it keeps on coming. Sanyu wiped his tears and they both went out. when they were out of the ward rd broke down once again.

"shhhh rd don't cry" she said when she too was silently crying.

"I can't sanyu. i can't control my tears." he replied back

"ohk then lets promise one thing. we will cry as much as we want today for grandma. but from tomorrow we had to be much more stronger and we will not cry. whenever we will miss her we will visit her. we will let her know everything. but we will never cry remembering her. do u promise?" she asked. rd looked at her with admiration in his eyes and nodded his head in yes thus promising her. the driver came to take them to shekhawat mansion. they cried that night all they can. they didn't have food they slept while crying. but next morning when they woke up not a single tear left their eyes. but they didn't smile either. one member from their family was lost. their family can never be the same. they can try as much as they want but the space which is left by his grandma can never fill. But.....

Now they have to learn to move on. To live their life like nothing happened when it was havoc inside. Now they had to be each others support.  now they had to be there for eachother. now they both had to make sure both of them keeps their promise.The promise which they did to themselves and the promise which they had did to their grandma. that one promise which changed their life for ever.

Next part it will be few years later. Hope u enjoyed. 

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Match made in Childhood #WritingContest Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt