7. Prologue

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- Much love! Enjoy 💜💜


2 years ago

I remember the crash.

The ringing in my ears.

And the silence that followed.

My head weighing a ton or two heavier and resting on the soft wet ground.

I remember waking up.


The words just a whisper, for unbearable pain had grabbed hold of me.

The broken pieces of the window glass piercing me everywhere. Drops of blood falling to the ground with every small movement.

I remember opening my eyes.

Only to shut them down once again for I dare look to them.

"Mom...Ollie.." I cried to myself.

I remember being held by my hair. Dragged.

My hands being tied ever so tightly.

And I remember him. How could I not?

Mr. Slade Wilson in a weird orange body armor having a knife..no, a sword firmly directed at my mom first and then myself, taking turns every few seconds; indecisive it seemed as to whom to kill first.

"Why are you doing this to us? What did we ever do to you?" I collected some strength to speak up, while looking at my mom, who was on her knees a few metres away to my left.

"You didn't. This is your brother's doing. He's the one who's sealed your fate.." he shouted back to us.

"Ollie?" I thought aloud; my eyes immediately looking for him. A good five feet away from us. Still unconscious.

"Y-you're crazy," I continued. "He...he was shipwrecked to an island these past 5 years. It's been what, an year since we found him. How did he ever do anything to you? Huh? Just let us go, please," I tried to reason with him, while all this time, I was trying to get my hands free.

"Don't fret, kid. Even if you do manage to get free, one of you.." he said as he picked up his blade to point at us, "..will still die."

It was at that moment, when Oliver woke up.

What must have been going through his mind when he looked up? I still wonder.

"Oliver.." mom and I desperately cried to him. Repeatedly.

"I was dead the last time you were offered this choice," the psychopath proclaimed to Ollie.

"Dead?" I mouthed, looking through the tears at him.

"Slade-" my brother just about said the word.

Realizing what was happening, he followed up, "no, Slade..." with a raised pitch.

"What's happening, Ollie..." I groaned in pain, right in my throat.

"You don't have to do this. Listen, please. Just stop," Oliver tried to talk some sense into him.

"I often wonder how you looked...when that murderer pointed his gun at Shado...and took her from me.."

'Shado?' My mind looked to it's deepest recesses for a face. But it was all in vain.

Thea Queen: The Dark Archer | Arrow {13 chapters}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora