Chapter Seventeen.

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I wake up with a slight pain in my chest, My vision still slightly blurry as it adjusts to the lighting in the room, I can hear my heart on the monitor and two muffled voices coming from somewhere in the room, or maybe it's outside of the room, I'm not able to get my head to respond with my brain asking it to move, it's just really not ready yet, I think maybe I should sue the company that done this to me, granted my instructor was the most sweetest guy, but for this to happen, he clearly hadn't done his job correctly, and now I have lost a limb and suffered with serious heart problems because of it, I loved helicopters but after this experience, I don't think I ever want to see another one again.

"You're awake"

It takes me a moment to realise it was Chris that said this to me, my brain finally connects with my movements as I turn my head in search for him, my eyes connecting with his, a soft smile present on his lips.

"I'm awake" I try my hardest to say it loudly, but it comes out as a croaky whisper, can't be surprised from the amount of shocks I've had to my body, and the lack of liquids going down my throat doesn't exactly help.

"Don't try to talk just yet, I'll get you some water"
Chris disappears from my line of sight for less than thirty seconds, and returns with a plastic cup of water, a straw sticking out of the top making it easier for me to drink.

I nod at him in thanks as I feel the lukewarm water run down my throat, slightly soothing the itchy hoarseness.

"Where's Camz?" I ask him in my frog like voice, slightly disappointed that it weren't her face that I woke up to.

"She's with Harmony, she'll probably be back any minute now, she said she'd be gone around 5 hours and we're nearing to that time now"

I simply nod at my brother, feeling happy with his answer, she's spending time with our little girl, so I'm able to handle that I didn't wake up to her beautiful face smiling down at me, with her eyebrows bunched up in worry.

I turn my head and close my eyes again, the bright lights in the room starting to take an affect, a headache slowly seeping in to my frontal lobe.

"Take it easy Laur, it's been a rough few days" I hear Chris say as he squeezes my hand gently, but his voice is already fading into the background as I slip back into sleep. 

I'm in the helicopter, a few thousand feet from the ground, the sky is this incredibly shade of blue, even though I am sky high the clouds still seem to be so incredibly far away from me, I can hear the propellers from the helicopter loud and pounding in my ears, but the sound only eggs my adrenaline on, I turn my head and see my instructor sitting next me, he is explaining something about the panels, I should be paying attention but for some reason I can't seem to hear him, the thumping of the propellers above completely drowning him out, I touch my head and double check that I am wearing the headphones even though I can feel them sitting snuggly on my head, maybe they're broken, that's why I can't hear him, I watch as my instructors face screws up and his eye widen in shock horror, I stare at him in confusion before I realise that we're dropping and we are dropping fast, I'm screaming at least I think that I am, my mouth is open and my throat is hurting but I am not hearing any sound, the trees and the ground are getting so much closer, I raise my hands in the air, trying to find the roof of the helicopter to brace myself, to protect myself from the impact that is about to come, I squeeze my eyes shut and I am slammed into darkness. 

"Lauren, baby wake up" My eyes shoot open, my breathing weighing heavy on my chest. 

It was a dream, it was just a dream, except it wasn't because I am living it. 

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