Come back to me

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"Harry Styles. The infamous gang member and drug lord. I didn't know you even remember me, it's been over 5 years."

"Well Tessa, it's hard to let go of someone completely, so I've always kept my eyes on you, even if it meant they weren't my own actual eyes. Did you know you were suppose to be mugged probably a good ten different times? My men prevented that. I've been protecting you this whole time."

He placed a hand on my shoulder, pushing me down into the chair below me that was still out from breakfast earlier. He stroked my cheek, brushing my hair out of my face.

"What do you want Harry?" I stared at him, eye to eye. I was not going to show him any weakness, no matter how afraid I actually was. I wanted to believe I still knew him, but in reality I only knew the 13 year old boy from the playground, my boss, and what I occasionally heard about in the news.

"Well, as you know I'm a felon now. They've turned over all of my old safe houses, kept tabs on my closest associates. I have no where to go, and I need a place to stay. And the last time I check," He smirked at me, a twinkle of evil in his eyes, "you still work for me. Naturally, I would never put you or Clyde in harms way, but Clyde has already been taken care of and who better protect you than me?"

"Harry, I don't have time for any of thi-" He grabbed my hair mid sentence and pulled it back so that I was face to face with him as he towered over me, a look of anger washing over his face.

"Tessa, no offense, but I'm not going to just sit around and listen to your shit. You're in this now, and I've got your brother; both as protection and leverage against you. I won't hesitate to have him killed if you aren't going to listen to me."

"You don't know me Harry."

He chuckled, letting go of my hair and placing his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth in my small flats dining room.

"That's where you're very wrong Tessy. I know everything about you. I don't just let my employers disappear without hearing from me again. I know that you live here with Clyde, basically a mom for him, which is a good thing since he's growing up parentless. I know they were killed by a drunk driver, I know you use to be depressed and cut yourself almost every day for a year. I know your favorite music, your favorite books to read, I even know where you like to get your ice cream from."

I rubbed my head where he had pulled my hair, my adrenaline beginning to pump as I began to realize I was in much more trouble then I had thought I was. He was spying on me since I left his life all those years ago, watching me like a hawk to its prey. 

"Please Harry, I have nothing for you, I can't do anything for you. If you bring Clyde home I wont tell anyone that you were here."

He walked over to a small table I kept near the door for people to put their shoes under and where I often put flowers. He grabbed a small picture frame that sat on it, handing me the picture of me and Clyde at a festival a few years back.

"I'm going to stay here until I know the coast is clear to go back to my ways and set up shop in another country until it's safe to go back onto the streets of London. Until then, you are going to be my little minion and connect me with the outside world."

He lifted my school pack off of the ground and handed it to me. 

"Your bus is about to arrive. Remember, if anyone knows I'm here, you can expect Clyde to meet your parents a lot sooner than he is suppose to."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the chair I was sitting in, grabbing my hip and pulling me closer then I wish I would ever be. I tried to pull away but found that he was a lot stronger than he looked. He leaned closer to me, grabbing my chin and tilting my head side to side.

"You know, your even prettier then the pictures make you look."

"You're sick Harry."

He took in a deep breath, moving his mouth closer to my ear, so close I could practically feel his lips on me. I could smells the alcohol on his breath, something I was far too familiar with. 

"Oh Tessa, you don't even know the half of it."

He dragged me to the front door, opening it but making sure to stay out of view from anyone who may have been walking past or watching.

"Just continue your day as if it were any other normal day. And remember this, I will know if you do anything aside from your routine. I know everything about you Tessy, I know your thinking about going to the cops, or turning me in. But your brother is also your everything and you would do anything to keep him safe."

I was getting tired of getting pushed around by this asshole who just appeared in my house after a decade of no contact only to tell me that he has been stalking me this whole time. I slammed the door closed, threw my pack onto the ground and pushed him with all my force.

"Fuck you Harry. You deserve to be in prison, you deserve the electric chair, the firing squad, poison, I don't care. Get the hell out of my house or I swear to God you are going to regret ever coming in here."

What scares me the most about Harry is how he gets when he's angry, because the smirk on his face told me everything I needed to know about him. He enjoyed being angry. He slammed me against the wall, placing his hand around my throat, smacking my face so that it stung like needles.

"Who do you think your talking to?!" He screamed, his eyes narrowing and he stared me down, making me feel weak and vulnerable. 

"I am not some child on the school bus anymore Tessa. I am Harry Styles, I'm your fucking boss. I own you and your life remember? I can make it look like you had a heroin overdose right here right now, do you want that?"

He pulled out a large syringe from his coat, forcing my sleeve up my arm as he took the cap off with his teeth. I fought as hard as I could to get out of his grip but his hands felt like steel around my throat and arm.

"Tell me right fucking now Tessa, do you want me to kill you?!"

"NO! Harry stop, please let go of me." I cried and begged him, gasping for air as he let go of me. I slid on the wall and onto the ground, hugging my knees and I tried to control myself. He grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him through tears.

"I told you all those years ago that one day you would have no choice but to come back to me. I warned you Tessa. This is the beginning of how that happens. Now, are you ready for school? You're going to miss your bus."

I nodded, slowly standing up as Harry handed me my back pack from the ground.

"Have a good day at school love, I can't wait for you to get home. We have so much to talk about."

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