Chapter 8: 1-A

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A/N  i feel like these are always unedited cause im doing this by myself and it will probably stay like that.
Good morning by the way.

Walking closer to the street that me and Midoriya are meeting I notice people are looking at me weirdly. Maybe it's my uniform or my once girly short hair has now a undercut with still short but longer hair on top. It was tied back with a hair tie, still thick like always. Or my girly and boyish looks that tend to throw people off.

Either way I didn't care, with me waking up behind schedule and Midoriya texting me, threatening about leaving our meeting spot cause I was late I was panicking big time.

Seeing Midoriya there waiting for me was a gift from god in it self. Waving my arms fantickly I catch his attention, him giving me a confused look. Looks like he doesn't recognise me. " Midoriya! It's Quinn! Let's go! " I said grabbing onto his arm, now dragging him.

" Quinn?! "

" The one and only! "

I ignore Midoriya the rest of the way, smiling and refusing to answer his questions.

Walking towards the big walls of U.A high school was boring for me. Midoriya on the other hand was nervous, shaking with excitement and nerves. " I wonder where 1-A's classroom is? " I said, making him run inside. I laugh and follow him towards his dream of becoming a hero, and me helping him.


Standing in front of the surprisingly intimidating door of class 1-A, I question why it's so big. Are there giants or something? A quirk for something that big?

" I'm nervous..... Why are the doors so big? "

" I know right! " I said, smirking. " And plus, don't be nervous, i'm here with you! " Midoriya smiles and nods his head. " Just hope that glasses guy and kacchan aren't here... " He mutters. " You mean glasses and explosive guy? " I said. He gives me a nervous look again and nod his head. " I bet 10 dollars they are. " Midoriya groans and nods his head.

Thinking long enough, I push open the door with big force, smiling. Everyone quiets and looks at us besides explosive boy and glasses who were arguing ( more glasses guy ) about the way explosive guy was sitting.

" You should sit properly! Our upperclassmen have sat in these seats, people who have wanted to become heros and who are heros now! You're being disrespectful! " Glasses said.

" Oh yeah? What school you went to rich kid? I'll beat you to the ground extra! "

" Soumei Junior High School but that's not important and my name his Tenya Iida! That is so rude! Are you truly aiming to become a hero?! "

" That rich kid school! Now i'm definitely going to beat you too the ground extra! "

Midoriya was shaking again, shook and scared beyond belief. Glasses notices us standing at the door, swiftly walking over and starting to introduce himself.

" Your name is Midoriya Izuku yes? I'm am sorry for the way I reprimanded you. You found out the true way to the entrance exams. " Actually, now that I think about it me and Midoriya never talked about what happened during the entrance exams.

" My name is- "

" Y-yeah I know you're name. I heard anyway. Tenya Iida, right? "
Tenya Iida now I guess nod his head. He looks over at me, giving out his hand towards me. " Hello! My name is Tenya Iida. It is a pleasure to meet you! Are you by any chance friends with Midoriya? "

" Yup. Names Quinn Drako. Nice to meet you too. " Shaking his hand I look over him. He had dark blue hair with square rimmed glasses, a serious look on his face. And I got to say he has thick legs bulging out of his pants legs. Just saying.

" Oh wow! Hey it's you! " Looking over to the voice I see a pink girl. Pink hair, skin and golden black eyes with a pretty body and face. I blink a few times at the pretty girl in confusion. " You don't remember me!? From the exams! The 0 pointers? You really don't remember!? " Giving a laugh I shake my head. Pinky huffs and introduces herself. " Mina Ashido is my name! Remembr it! "

" Quinn Drako. "
" Hey hey, my names Kirishima Eijiro! Nice to meet you " Red spiky haired kid said. 

" Kaminari Denki beautiful. " A guy with yellow hair and a black bolt on his head. I smirk and lean towards him. " Beautiful, huh? Why don't we go out sometimes handsome? " Blushing madly he laughs.

" Hey! It's you! Thanks for the save at the entrance exams. My name is Ochako Uraraka. " She was talking Midoriya with a smile. Said midoriya was blushing like a tomato, thinking it was cool to talk to a girl for the first time.

Sensing a new presence I look down and see a head popping out of a yellow sleeping bag, the head looking so tired I feel bad for him. He notices me looking an gives me a blank look. The caterpillar starts talking. " It took you eight seconds to stop talking. If you're here to make friends then this isn't the place for you. "

" Now put these on, we're going outside. " He said talking out a uniform from his cocoon. For some odd reason he glares at me while I give a shit eating grin.


Standing in front of  the big dirt field I look around curiously, wondering what the white lines meant. " It looks like a gym field. " Looks like that answers my question.

" In middle school you guys took physical test without your quirks helping. The government wants to try to make us all the same but there will always be a power unbalanced no matter what they do. But here you will use you're quirk to test the limits. Bakuogo, what was your throwing number? "

Bakuogo walks closer, a bored look on his face. " 67 meters. "

" Try using your quirk this time, see how far you get. "

Smirking, Bakuogo gets ready to throw. Hearing a small explosion I look over at his hands, seeing sparks flying.

" DIE! "


Mr. Aizawa ( who introduced himself ) shows us his score. 705.2. People gasp in shock and awe. " You need to know your limits. And too do that this will be a fitness test."

" This is going to be so fun! " Kirishima said excitedly. I sigh not wanting to do this.

" Fun, huh? " Aizawa said. We all quiet down confusion. " If you think this is going to be fun then you have no place here. The person who gets last place will be expelled from this school. " He said with a sadistic smile on his face. People start to whisper in worry, while I look over at Midoriya. He was shaking a little bit. " You'll be fine. " I said trying to reassure him. He gives me a small smile and nods his head.

Looking away I silently wonder what's he going to do to pass.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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