Chpater 2: Scum

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A/N : this is unedited so there are probably going to be many mistakes but I just wanted to do a back story, not the whole one of course but like what's going to set my OC on her path of wanting to become a hero. And she's going to do it herself by the way.

Waking up was not easy for me. Waking up to water being thrown at me was not easy for me. My window being open and someone screaming was not easy. More yelling and screaming in the morning was not easy for me. Nothing in the morning was easy in this shrine.

What my mentor does every morning is open a door or a window and jump through yelling some gibberish just too annoy me. Just to annoy me! IN THE MORNING! WHAT THE FU-

To say i'm angry is a understatement. A God Damm understatement! And he's saying something.

" Hey Brat, get up! It's time to do your chores! You little sh-" Before he could say anything else he was suddenly hit on his head with a frying pan. May you rest in peace.

He was on the ground with Miss Eliza standing there looking so badass. We both ignore the blood coming out of is head. Once again may you rest in peace.

" Quinn! Get up! Breakfast is ready. After that you can do your chores. You aren't allowed to work on a empty stomach. " I groan like a moody teenager. Wait... I am a teenager!
Snorting at my thought process I get up walking all over my mentor, who groans. I walk out with Miss Eliza who was fussing over me like a mom fussing over her child on the first day of school. I nag her about what we were going to eat, only for her to turn a corner and start to walk to Juniors room. Junior is her son. He's chill.

Hearing yelling in his room made me walk faster to the kitchen, wanting to get there first so I could eat and leave. Despite how big the shrine is I don't get lost, probably cause I lived here all my life so getting too the kitchen didn't take very long.

Opening the door to the kitchen and seeing my mentor there eating some of my food of my plate made me freeze. I stare blankly and our eyes meet. He gives me a shit eating grin and was about to run out the window only for me to be faster and push him inside,

" YOU SCUM! DIE!! " I cry out angrily. " Don't steal mY FOOD " I was so angry that my voice cracked. Is my voice supposed to crack? I don't know.

" WHO'S STEALING WHO'S FOOD!? " Yells Miss Eliza. " THE MENTOR! " I cry out. Stomping feet start coming, making The Mentor panic. I hold on to his shirt tightly while he was struggling and suddenly he tries to strike a deal with me. " You don't have too train today! " He cries out. I freeze and glare harshly at him.
" You really are scum aren't you! " More of a statement than anything. He was about to bargain again, but stopping in fear when the door bangs open. Miss Eliza was there along with Junior who looked tired and annoyed. While Miss Eliza looked pissed, ready to scorch him to death with her quirk. And that's what she does. Of course after dragging him outside.

Junior and I take a seat and ignore the yelling coming from outside. " Want some? " Junior said, offering some of his food.
" Nah I don't care too much. Just wanted him to get hit. " I said while giving him a sadistic grin. He gives me a awkward and nervous look. I ignore him and the rest of the morning is peaceful. Besides the screaming. It's always the screaming.


A few hours an yelling later the place was silent. Miss Eliza and Junior left to go buy some groceries and other things we might need for the week. Me and The Mentor stay behind with him nagging me about training. I ignore him with favor of doing my chores.

After a few more hours it was the afternoon and I agree too start training with him. Training with him was hard. And I mean hard. You have too have a good ass endurance. If not you're dead. End of story. Thankfully after all these years of pain and abuse I have very good endurance. So that's a plus. Downside is he goes even harder than before. An he's talking again.

" Ok Quinn, where giving to learn how to handle a sword again. With you're Quirk of course. " We found out a long time ago that if I use my Quirk with my sword it gets heavier and can do more damage.

Looking at the design it's pretty basic but cool I guess. The Tsuba was a square with lines coming out and going around. The sword itself was black with a small sliver of gold. The handle had a traditional Tsuka Ito cloth around it. The color was gold with a line of silver stitched into it. The Saya had a weird language attached to it an even weirder symbols. I think that it was telling a story but I can't read the language.

I had gauntlets to but The Mentor doesn't allow me to use them when where training. I don't know why.

And of course when i'm still thinking he takes this as a chance to attack me.

" Pay attention Quinn! You're Enemies won't gave you the time of day to stand there and think! "

Dodging under his good leg I try to punch him directly in the stomach only for my arm too be grabbed and me being thrown like a frisbee. Grunting I quickly stand up, while getting punched in the face. I use my sideways position to give him a swift kick to the ribs, making him gasp in pain. I use as much strength as I can into this kick, and I am glad to stay that it made him go flying into the ground.

Grinning I try to walk over, only for a knife to go flying towards me. I step out of the way as quickly as possible, but it didn't matter because either way I got hit with that damn water. Said damn water feels like a bullet being ten times faster and hitting you and going through you. And without mercy he hits me directly in the head with that damn water. You're kidding me.

(Quinn Pov)
Waking up and noticing that I didn't even get a chance to use my quirk made me feel weak. The mentor is smarter than me, and he was the the one that taught me my fighting style. I'm pretty much going to always be at a disadvantage. And that really annoyed me more than losing to him.

Staring down at the traditional japanese flooring isn't helping. ' 'Maybe I could train at night.....' I thought absentmindedly.


When I first came here immediately Miss Eliza told me that when I heard that bell and it rang 5 times I was supposed to go report to the main part of the shrine. Something about having a meeting I think.

Getting up an ignoring the swift dizzy I stumble my way to the main part of the shrine where the now effective meeting was being held. 'God, why now?' Groaning in pain I slide the shoji open, seeing the three of them there already. Miss Eliza looked annoyed whipping her tail around threatenly while Junior looked bored. I stay silent and take a seat at the only one open.

" So, might be wondering why you're here huh? " The mentor said. We all gave him dead looks. " Hey! Don't give me that look! I at least decided to tell you! " Miss Eliza huffs. " Just get on with it. I don't have time for this. " She said. The mentor gulps, and nods his head.

" Ok now don't be mad with me, butImaybegotacallfromanoldfriendandtheysaidthattheywouldlikeyoutogotheua- " Miss Eliza stops him immediately. " Speak clearly! I can't understand a word you said! " He furiously nods his head, not wanting to fight with her. " Ok once again don't be mad but I maybe got a call from a old friend saying that he would like you too enroll in his school as a student. By the way that school is UA. And I said ok for you. " Complete silence......... " LIKE HELL YOU ARE! " I cry out. " THAT'S MY FUTURE YOU'RE MESSING WITH! " It was Miss Eliza turn to scream. " I AM NOT LETTING MY ADOPTED DAUGHTER DO THAT! " And now it was Juniors turn too yell. " WhaT!? wHy CAn'T I gO?! " His voice was cracking like crazy, which would have made me laugh if what The Mentor just said what he said. " NEITHER OF YOU ARE GOING!! "

While Junior and his Mother were yelling Mentor was cowering in the corning, inching towards the Shoji. We all whip our heads towards him making him bolt out the now open Shoji door. " Oh, and you're going to be training until the entrance exams! " He calls out as Miss Eliza and Junior were swiftly following him. " You little...... God damn it!" I yell following them.

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