Chapter 6: I don't have the value or morals to be a hero

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The 0 pointer reaches its hands towards me, while I stand up and suddenly disappear. Standing on the building that I had disappeared to I was going to walk away, but the 0 pointer seems to have other ideas.

Hearing a whooshing sound and I jump high up in the air, floating. The 0 pointer looks around and spots me flying away, with a lazy look in my posture. 0 pointer move it's arm swiftly, slamming the metal arm into the
building next to me.

My eyes widen when I see cement flying towards me a few hitting. I grunt as I start to fall down faster nearing the ground. I huff and start my quirk again, softening my blow to the ground. I glare at the 0 pointer, walking away only to hear yelling. I look over with a panicked expression, finding a pink haired and skin with horns on her head. A big chunk of the building was falling towards her along with the 0 pointer who spotted her. and her leg was injured. GOD DAMMIT!

Flying towards her with intense speed, I was right next to her with a blink of an eye, glaring at harshly at the cement falling an the 0 pointer. The girl gives me a shocked and terrified look. " What are doing?! Move you'll get hurt! " I click my tongue and watch as the 0 pointer gets closer with the destroyed building. Putting up an invisible shield I watch as the cement slams and breaks apart against my shield while the 0 pointer tries to break through.

" Crumble! "

I call out as the 0 pointer shrinks a little folding in on itself before exploding into little bits. Taking care of damage control I use my telekinesis powers to catch everything and put them on the ground safely and softly. And the end like that. " Exams are over! Please report back to the starting point. " The pink girl groans and mutters something about not having enough
points. I look down and pick her up bridal style, making her squeak in surprise. Her face was pinkish red, probably due to embarrassment, which made me gave her a shit eating grin.

I jump and start to fly, making her shriek in fear. " It's fine! I got you, don't worry. What's your name? " I said trying distract her from her fear. She gulps and suddenly wraps her arms around me, making me stiffen but relax. " M-Mina Ashido. " She said, as we were nearing the exit. I grin and nod my head. " Cool name, Ashido! "

Landing on the ground I see a black haired kid, flat kinda crazy hair, with a cut over his eyebrow running over towards us with a worried expression. " Ashido! Are you ok? What happen? " He said as he took Ashido from my arms. " My leg got hurt! But I'm fine! " She said with a smile on her face. I huff.

Seeing as she was safe I walk away, intent on meeting up with Midoriya. I ignore the calls of people and walk faster.


I wasn't able to meet up with Midoriya, but I had called and questioned him on what happened on his side of the exam. And he said that he got zero points. Zero. Points. I said no way because surely he had got one, but he said he didn't know how to use All Mights powers and panicked. On the upside he saved that cute girl that we saw in the morning, which made me feel happy proud.

I told him I didn't get points either, which shocked him. Midoriya asked me why and I said I didn't have the value or morals for being a hero like he did. After I said that he stayed silent for a bit until he told me either way he would always believe in me. I cried like a baby and said he was my pure smol bean.


It's been a week since the entrance exam, and it's going to be another week until high school starts. I picked the
High school I wanted to go to, since I'm pretty sure I didn't get accepted into U.A. High. But everyone is getting letters, so I guess I'm waiting for that.

Time at the shrine was quiet and peaceful so far, with the mentor out on a trip and Miss Eliza enrolling Junior into a middle school. He was pretty excited to start school.

Now that I think about it I've never been to school, Miss Eliza homeschooled me since I first came here, so my high school is going to be the first school ever. Now that's more nerve wracking than everything yet.


Jumping at the loud noise, I stand up and pick up the phone that was ringing so louder than usual. Seeing Midoriya's number I quickly answered, more in confusion than anything. It was 10 pm.

" Quinn! Oh my god, Oh my god! I got accepted! I GOT ACCEPTED INTO U.A HIGH! " I stay silent, pulling the phone away when he started to scream like crazy. I freeze and start to yell like crazy with him.

'Wait, does that mean my letter came to?' I thought. Running out of my room with Midoriya on the phone, I swifty made my way down the mountain, skipping two step at a time. I pause when I see Miss Eliza coming up with a biter looking Junior with her.

" Miss Eliza! Miss Eliza! Did my letter come!? " I call out towards her. She looks up and smiles at me, waving a letter with wax on it. I smirk and run faster, meeting her halfway. " Tells us the results later ok? " Miss Eliza said, smiling at me. I almost feel guilty that I didn't try, but that was almost.

Running back up the mountain I tell Midoriya I would talk to him later. Hanging up I make it to my room, looking around for a letter opener. Spotting it I walk back to my desk with nerves and feeling like I should feel bad for not trying. Gripping the letter opener, I cut the wax, open the flap and find a empty letter. If this was them saying I didn't get accepted that's just cruel.

I sigh and throw it on the ground in anger, seeing a small disk come out. Feeling mixed emotions I pick it up, setting it on my desk and waiting for something to happen. I hear a small whirring sound and a hologram suddenly appears with All Might there and it's signature smile. He starts to speak about the results.

" Young Quinn Drako, it's my honor to say that you have been accepted into U.A High School! And you were the ties with first along with Bakugou Katsuki! Good job! We haven't told the whole story but we were also testing for honorable choices! In other words rescue points, with you being able to get 67 points, but we had decided that the Zero Pointer would be worth an additional 10 points! You're path of starting a hero starts NOW! "

For other people they would have been excited beyond belief, but I just didn't have the morals or value to be a hero. I have a strong quirk sure but some people didn't have what it takes for being hero, and i'm one of them. I'm not meant to be hero.

So why does the universe seem so intent on making me one?

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