Chapter 5: Move it Deku!

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A/N : once again unedited that's all I got to say

Walking down the mountain where the shrine was is annoying. There are just to many steps here, and I'm losing extra time here. And I woke up late. Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't become a hero. Probably.

Still running I make it at the bottom of the stairs, bowing and paying my respects to the shrine. With a toast in my. Aren't I classy.

And now I'm running all the way to U.A. High School to meet up with Midoriya Izuku. We've been chatting a lot over text and calls, with a very excited one this morning. He was yelling into the phone saying he finished the beach trash moving operation and got All Might's quirk by his eating hair. Gross but alright.

He told me the time to meet up and where, but either way I think I'm still going to be late. Being early was never part of my quirk so yeah.

Pausing I see the gigantic gates of the supposed U.A. High School, waiting for new hero's to enter. Sadly I was going to make sure I was not going to be those new heroes entering. Yup, you heard right, I was going too sabotage myself. Why you ask? Because I don't want to become a hero. It's as simple as that. Wait I see a mop of green.

Running over to said mop of green hair I jump on his back with no qualms, my eyes widening in surprise. " Wow Midoriya, you grew some muscle huh? You look so strong now, fit to be a hero now. " Midoriya jumps in surprise and relaxes under my touch. " Hey Quinn! You're looking good! I mean you always look good so you're fit to be hero too, but looks aren't everything when it comes to hero of course! " I stop his rambling and laugh quietly.

" Why are you wearing your school uniform? Aren't you supposed to wear fighting clothes? " Midoriya blinks a few times an becomes red. " These were the only clean clothes I had, and were going to change either way. " I make a oh face and nod my head.

" OH OH OH, I gotta tell you something about my powers. So I found out I can use Pyrokinesis or controlling fire, how cool is that?! I'm using it right now, it's why I'm wearing shorts despite it being cold. "

My outfit was a navy blue athletic booty shorts with the stripes on the side. I had a long sleeve black shirt on and fingerless gloves. A navy blue track jacket was wrapped around my waist to. I was wearing some black boots with words on it.

" Wait really?! That's amazing! " He gets a notebook that came out of nowhere and starts to write something down. I swear drop and stay silent, waiting for him too finish.

" Stupid Deku. Get out of my or I'll kill you. And you to. Move. " Midoriya or Deku squeaks like a sacred animal when he hears the voice. He starts to stutter like crazy. " O-o-h h-hey Kacchan haha! It's a good huh! We should do good on the entrance exams- " Kacchan ignores him and walks past him, looking at me sideways. I smirk at him and gave him seductive look, making his face turn red.

The ashy blond angrily walks away, the tips of his ears red. I grin and look at Midoriya who was shaking like a leaf in fear.

" Hey who's that? " I question him. He seems to calm down a bit to answer my question. " That's Bakugou Katsuki, my childhood friend. He's really strong and he tends to be angry a lot so I would kinda avoid him. " I smirk at the ashy blond hairs back. " It's going to be interesting if you're in the same class huh? " He blinks a few times in confusion. " Don't you want to get into the hero course? " I huff in ayyence. " I'm being forced to, so I'm going to purposely fail Midoriya to get back at them. " Aren't I petty.

" What - but - I thought we could be in the same class..." He finishes off. I was crying again. " God dammit Midoriya! You're to pure! I'm sorry, I'll try my best! "

He smiles at this and nods his head. We talk while walking, only for Midoriya to trip and start to fall. I reach out my hand about to stop his fall, only for another hand to grab at the back of his shirt, making him stop mid freeze. I gape in surprise.

I look next to a pretty girl with round cheeks that looked adorable. Her hair was short, and framed nicely around her head. I turn red slightly. 'She's so cute'

" Haha sorry I used my quirk on you,  I just thought that it would be a bad omen for you to fall like that. This is totally nerve racking huh?! Well i'll see you guys inside. Good luck. "

" Good luck! " I call out, waving my hand. Midoriya was mumbling to himself about how he talked to a girl for the first time. I put on a hurt expression when he says that. " Midoriya, i'm a girl. " I said bluntly making him stutter all over again.


Finding seats was a little bit of a hassle since the place was packed, but I drag Midoriya near the ashy blond kid. Everybody was too scared to sit next to him. Midoriya stutters out an apology towards him. Bagouko ignores him instead facing forward. I sit down on the other side of him, making sure to gave him a smile.

A few minutes pass with nothing happening. People mutter amongst themselves, questioning what was the hold up.

" HELLOOO FUTURE HEROS! ARE YOU EXCITED TO BE HERE!? IF YOU ARE CAN I GET A YOOOOOO! " While I was trying to stifle my laugh, nobody was saying anything. People are so boring these days. " Any way let's get to the physical part of the test! " Present Mic starts to explain how the scoring system works. I start to notice that this test is kinda biased towards people with physical Quirks. Now that sucks.

I pause in confusion. There were only three robots on the printed paper. On the website it's four. " Any questions!? " Present Mic calls out. I was about to raise my hand to ask a question about that, but a fit looking kid in glasses beat me to it. " YESS!? " Present Mic calls out, pointing towards the kid. A spotlight was on him, not fazing him at all. " I have a question about the simulation robots! It says here that there are only three, while on your website they presented four! If this is how U.A. High acts than this is disappointing! " I sweat drop and wait for Present Mic to say something, but the guy looks in our direction talking towards us now.
" And you, have been muttering this whole time, please you are disturbing the people around you! " Midoriya face turns red and he stutters out an apology. " Talk about a stick up his ass. " Bakugo mutters. I nod my head agreeing with him.

" Well those are just 0 pointer! There's no point for them so I suggest that you avoid them.! Now let's get started! PLUS ULTRA! " People yell and start to get up going to there respected bus. " Good luck Midoriya! Angry guy, you to! " Said angry guy sneers at me while Midoriya smiles at me. " Yeah you to! " I turn and start to walk away.


Standing in front of of the big fake city made me wonder what type of money this high school had. " ALLRIGHT STARTTTTTT!!!!! " Didn't even get a chance to talk to anyone alright.

Running ahead of everyone who were staring at Present Mic, I dodge and weave over and under the villain robots, trying to find a place to sit and wait this out. Seeing I was quite far away I go into a alley, sighing. I miss my sword and gauntlets.

I had sent a letter in earlier saying if I could have permission to bring in my sword and gauntlets. They had said no, surprise surprise but if I were to get accepted than I was allowed to keep them on. For some reason they asked me to keep a chain around my sword with a teacher having the key. The gauntlets were only supposed to be in their sleeping mode at all times. Of course if a teacher tells me to use them then yeah.

Sitting cross legged I take out a wrapped sandwich, eating it with contentment. Gotta stay healthy here. After finishing my food I lay back and relax, waiting for the time to be over, of course this should've happened but instead a shadow looms over me making me crack my eye open and stare at the 0 pointer.

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