13. surprise: part two

Start from the beginning

One more comment and I might explode in embarrassment, surely my face can't get any more flushed.

"Peeta, I have burn scars everywhere. That's not what the Capitol call pretty, is it? I'm old news."

"To the Capitol you might be, but to me you're perfect."

That's it. I may actually cry with frustration because I can't accept any compliment ever. Peeta is type of person who sees the good in everything. It isn't hard to tell that I'm not.

"We should probably get back, they've obviously noticed." I say, blatantly changing the subject. If it was up to me, I'd stay here forever. But those people know me. Especially Haymitch.

"As much as I'd love to go home, you're right." Peeta agrees, "Otherwise Haymitch will tell everybody there."

Then the peace ends. We walk together back to were everyone is most likely waiting. Peeta taking the lead since I have no idea where we left from.

When we get back, everyone looks as if they've been waiting for hours. Maybe they have.

"Took you long enough." Johanna smirks. "Sneaking off together? Very subtle."

"Don't listen to her. It's your day." Annie says, beaming at me and making eyes towards my finger.

"Yeah." Johanna mutters. "Okay."

Never have I ever seen Johanna cut herself off her the sake of me. Her pride would take a hit for that.

"What do you mean?" I ask Annie, trying my hardest to suppress a grin. "Nothings happened."

"It's your birthday!" Annie blurts out.
I silently breathe a sigh of relief. Annie must've missed the ring when staring at my hands because as much as I appreciate her, she can't lie.

"Should we tell them?" I sneakily whisper in Peeta's ear.

"Let's keep it to ourselves for a while, we can always tell them later." Peeta replies quietly.

I give him a slight nod and turn to go and speak to Annie. I haven't seen her in years yet she looks exactly the same, I find it sort of eerie.

"Katniss, It's been so long." Annie whispers, Finn surprising me with a hug to the leg.

"Agreed." I say, I'm not sure how to react to this small child who looks exactly like his Father who's death I am at fault for.

I must have just been gazing at Finn, because Annie takes my hands into her own and looks at me sympathetically.

"It's not your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault, I've learned to accept that. Finn is a constant reminder that he's still here around us. You know, sometimes I see him in my dreams, he holds me and tells me it's all okay. It is, Katniss. It's all okay."

I weakly smile at her to reassure her that I understand. I'm not going to cry, Annie and Finn have been through too much to see me cry.

Instead, I crouch down to Finn's tiny level and I introduce myself. How do I introduce myself to a 2 year old?

"Hello." I stutter awkwardly, "My name is Katniss. Nice to meet you."

If I could put my thoughts into words, they would be letters and numbers. How do I communicate with this child? Where's Peeta when you need him?

Finn smiles at my awkward face and bursts into a fit of giggles. Why is this my life?

"Did I do something wrong?" I mutter to Annie helplessly. I will never understand children.

"Maybe a bit too formal for a toddler ?" Annie giggles, "Maybe act a bit more enthusiastic. Try talking to him like you would've with Prim."

Prim was so easy to talk to. Whether she was 4 or 14 she could carry a conversation like an adult. At least I have a better chance now.

"I know you!" Finn cooes. "You the one from the stories!"

"What does he mean?" I mutter again.

"You're so well known that the Capitol authors have made picture books and things about the war so children have a better understanding. But Finn prefers me to tell him about you and his Dadda. He has a heart full of adventure just like him." Annie replies. Finn, a innocent toddler, has a better understanding of my life than me.

"Me and your Dadda were very good friends. He loved you very much."
I smile to Finn. "He could swim like a merman."

"Really?" Finn says in awe. "Dad was so cool, he likes swimming like me!"

Finn starts to run around, pretending to swim underwater, giggling madly.

"What am I hearing about mermen?" Peeta asks, walking over and embracing me from behind, scaring me half to death.

I awkwardly step away from his arms as Finn is watching, but he still keeps one around my waist. "Finn is swimming, apparently." I laugh. I can't help but chuckle, he's growing on me.

Peeta rushes over to Finn and says something to him I can't hear. Whatever it was, it made him very happy because he runs into Peeta's arms and Peeta starts to swing Finn around, make faces at him and giving him a piggy back.

This makes my heart melt. Peeta is so good with kids, it's like he was made to be a parent. Even though I could never be one myself, the sight makes me think. Maybe, with a small possibility, I could be a parent one day. Peeta would be over the moon.

I wouldn't do it for me, I'd do it for him. One day, Peeta could live in a world where I am happy to have his child. I shake off the thought immediately, but it still linger in the back of my mind. What if I could have Peeta's child one day, what if I was strong enough to be a Mother?

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