"Either the three of you," She pointed at Remus, Sirius, and I, "Have had a real blow to the head, or you're all stoned."

I looked away and hid behind Remus, giggling.

Lily sighed, raised her wand, and said, "Veneno finite!"

Instantly, all the vivid colours seemed to be dimmed, and I felt suddenly silly hiding under Remus' cloak.

"I would like to point out," James said, looking smug, "That I was not high."

Sirius looked at him scathingly, "That's only because you were driving, illegally may I add. Thanks a ton for ruining a perfectly good high, Lils."

"Well it's not fun for the other two when three out of five are high. If one wants to be high, all must be high!" She exclaimed, and everyone laughed.

Lily and I talked and caught up whilst we walked around the shops in Diagon Alley. She, too, had been elected as a prefect. She told me about her summer holiday, her family had gone to France and visited old chateaus.

"And how is Petunia?" I asked, watching her carefully.

She looked down and smiled bitterly, "Well, she's got this boyfriend, Vernon. He's a complete pig but I can't help but feel jealous."

I scoffed, "You, jealous of her for going out with some pig! Lily, I haven't been at Hogwarts for a while but you're gorgeous! I bet you've got boys lining up for you, and there's James too!" I said, smirking at her.

She hit me, blushing, "I do not have boys lining up for me. You will, though."

I snorted, "Unlikely. But I really meant, does Petunia still treat you like dirt?" I stopped walking and looked at her seriously.

She stopped too and sighed, "I wouldn't say like dirt."

I looked at her sceptically.

"She just doesn't talk to me much."

I gave her a hug and said, "Don't let it bring it down Lils."

"Thanks, O."

"Hey guys!"

We broke apart and I saw a boy who had not changed at all since I last saw him, "Hey Peter!" I said, pushing away the other boys who had moved forward to hug him.

"Olimpia! You're back!"

"I'm back!" I moved away a bit to see that he had some tears in his eyes. Or perhaps his eyes were just generally watery, either way, I felt my eyes instantly sting, and turned away.

"Honestly, if moving away for a couple of years makes you this popular and huggable, I may have to move." Said James.

"But how would I live without you, my dear!" Sirius said, throwing his arms dramatically around the bespectacled boy.

"Oh, you are right, how could I even consider living without my other half!" James played on.

Lily rolled her eyes, then asked me, "So what kind of stuff do you need from here?"

"Oh, everything!" I said, "I haven't worn a uniform since I left Hogwarts, as I didn't really attend Durmstrang, and most of my clothes are woolly to keep me warm in almost Arctic climates."

"Oo," She squealed, "Then we can go clothes shopping!"

All the boys groaned.

"Well, we can meet up again later at Florean Fortescue's later." Lily said, to which the boys agreed, walking away with heartfelt farewells and fake sobbing.

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